in #popcontest7 years ago

[Source](www.instagram.com/Rollie pop lies studio)

I promised sometimes last week or two week ago that I was going to participate in this contest because I love the positive vibes it brings to me but then I have been very busy. Today against all odds I decided I must create time for this and post it.

If you know me well, you would know that I suffer from depression sometimes. Well I like using the past tense when talking about being depressed but that will be a lie because I still go through it once in a while.

I am not here to talk about my depression. No, that wouldn't be positive now, I want to talk about my triumph over it and how I have been able to deal with it and even use it to help people.

My depression started close to two years ago but became really worse this year with a really bad heart break. So many things just came together at that time, I had a painful emotional experience, lost touch with my career and with God, became very reserved and thought of dying every two seconds, things were always too complicated and I always had voices in my head. I like to think they were different parts of me struggling with me.

Anyways, I had to realise that unless I took some steps on my own I was going to rot in depression. That was when I started writing to fight for women, I took it on fully on my blog and on all my social media accounts. To my surprise women started contacting me with their issues, I started seeing a lot that made me focus less on myself.

I found purpose in writing and advocating for the rights of women. I still got depressed but then when I see another issue to be discussed about women, I had to stand up and fight with my pen.

It had not been easy but I still have a long way ahead. When I am fully fine, I plan to write a very long article about depression and what to do in it and how you can help others.

People going through depression are not seeking attention, they are really in need of help. So for the sake of positivity, let's not be quick to judge depressed people let's try to help them instead.

©Onashile Peace (tolarnee)

Don't forget to upvote, comment and resteem. Much loveeee


Really good job man carry on

Thanks so much for sharing your story with us all in my #popcontest it must be difficult , but reading positive posts and talking about it , getting your story out there and hearing from others going through the same thing is great medicine for the soul !! Its so awesome that you are now advocating to help woman , and dedicate a lot of your time in doing so ! Bravo !! Keep up the great work and stay positive ! I will be looking forward to the day write your post all about depression and how you got through it ! Please drop me a link with a reminder LOL once you do !! Thanks again , Best of luck to you !! Upped and resteemed !😊💕👍

Your comment always means the world to me! Thank you for what you are doing, there is already enough negativity in the world... Bless your sweet soul!!!

Awe thank you very much for your kind reply ! Bless you too !👍😊

I definitely understand how you feel. I've had a friend who is in the same situation as you are. I admire how you've passed and survived through it. Don't ever give up!

Thank you so much💞💞💞

One of the things I admire about your writing is sincerity. Stay tuned and fight other's cause. Gifted are you!

Thank you so much for your kind words!

One of the things I admire about your writing is sincerity. Stay tuned and fight other's cause. Gifted are you!

My upvote is drained, I have to recharge but I wanted to thank you. I also have been labelled 100% nuts due to anxiety / depression issues. It is really hard, I am FINE most days. I COULD work if there was an employer out there who I could call and say "I am sorry, I had an adrenaline dump this morning and I cannot function." The world pretty much hates "mentally ill" people, especially those who dare to try to get out and have a life. We are expected to crawl into a hole with our shame and never bother people with our "self pity" or whatever.
Mine began with a drug reaction, but I got turfed to shrinks who REFUSED to admit the drug was responsible and they just flushed the life I had built down the drain. Mind you, I was a health professional trained to detect drug reactions, but once they put me on "the crazy train" that is the only path I was allowed to walk. So here I am, crazy as hell, trying to "make friends" on steemit where I am told do not EVER let people see you have a bad day... LOL! Oh well, I keep bumping into people like you, maybe some day we can make people realize that most "mentally ill" people are just like everyone else except a shrink got hold of us and slapped a label on us.
If you EVER need a sympathetic shoulder, I am here!

Seeing stuffs like this is the reason i keep writing and i am not ashamed to admit that i have depression issues!

The stuff is real and its why some commit suicide and when they do you see people labelling em as lazy cowards but where were they when the depression was slowly killing em.. I mean where were they?

I am so glad i met you here... You dont have to crawl into any hole cos we are humans too...You just will seek for ways to be better...you keep fighting and trying to help people along the way... Thank you so much!!!

HUGS! Made me tear up a little... You know how it is... when I was unable to get off the couch let alone out the door, you know how many people came to see me? How many called to ask how I was? A double amputee has enough fingers to count them. One of the hardest things as I recovered was forgiving everyone who loves me... they were not kind to me. Including the shrinks. It is a long story I told before, no need to go there now but without my husband I would have become a statistic too.

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