Positivity P.O.P Contest #18 - Member of my family

in #popcontest7 years ago (edited)

First of all I want to say how beautiful and encouraging the challenge by @karenmckersie is. Spreading positive energy is something what everyone should strive for.

Man's best friend

          When my brother, sister and I were just young kids we wanted a pet. But our parents never liked that idea because they knew all the care about that pet will be on them. They thought that was just another kid's phase and that will pass us like with all our toys we had. But we didn't give up nether did they.

          About a year has passed in that situation and the summer has arrived. We were having lunch in our yard when we heard some dog was barking, us 3 got of the table to look what was that. And we had what to see, a young, black puppy was in front of our yard doors scared of his own shadow. We gave him some cookies and water and played with him for few minutes.

          Our mother got off the table to see where we are and went to look for us. When she saw us she was shocked! She was out of her mind, she was screaming on us, She told us that this what we were doing is dangerus, "that dog could have some diseases, he dosen't even have a necklace " she said. At that moment her friend came of of the neighbours house and told her to calm down.

          She told my mother that she found that dog in the town abandoned, hungry and scared. She took him to the vet to scaned the chip, she contacted his owners and they said they don't want him back! How cruel can people be? They left him 400 kilometers/250 miles away from his home! But the problem was that she don't have place for him eather in her home.

It was love on first sight

          This year has been 10 years since we adopted him and he is with us. And he is a member of our family. We love him and care for him like he is our brother. He goes everywhere with us. And he learned us that a dog is really the man's best friend!

This is our Bleki

Keep spreading positive stories folks :)


What a sweet entry into this fantastic competition. Your pup is adorable.

Awe such a beautiful story ! We had a dog just like that when I was younger , her name was Lady !! She was the calmest most caring dog ! Thanks for sharing your story in my #popcontest ! Good Luck ! Upped and resteemed !👌👍💕😀

Thank you :D

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