Spring is the BEST time of year!

in #popcontest7 years ago

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It’s my absolute favorite time of year here in Atlanta, Georgia. That time when everything is tender green, fresh, bright, and new. Tiny sprouts begin to emerge from all over the place and I have to try to remember if I planted something there, or is this just a weed I’ll regret not pulling out in a couple of weeks?

It’s time to plant all kinds of seeds! Our enthusiasm and optimism is high. This year we will outwit the squirrels and the deer - or overwhelm them with our massive bounty, so maybe they’ll leave us a few tomatoes. I feel alive - even though it’s raining - but that will just make my garden grow more.

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Anything seems possible! Just look at that big fat avocado pit! It will take its sweet time, but the potential for a huge tree is hiding in there, just waiting for the proper conditions to spring forth. Of course, in my experience, the best place to grow an avocado is in the compost bin - by the end of the summer, there will be dozens of them poking up through the cypress boards in the warm, damp, darkness.

As you can see, we’ve got a couple of botanical experiments underway in our kitchen. My 5-year-old son Ulysse came home with a handful of pinto beans filched from his classroom last week, so we planted those suckers, and voilà! A ready made treat for the cat to sample when we’re not looking! It’s so much fun for kids to be able to spy on plants as they sprout roots, stems and leaves - educational too!

Sunday, I woke up with every muscle in my body reminding me of the time I spent in the garden on my hands and knees on Saturday. It was a gorgeous day. The whole family was out in the yard dragging branches to the curb, unearthing weeds, cutting back old growth, and blowing left over leaves. I spent most of my time fighting with an overly fecund aster plant - it will be one of the most amazing sights in September, but that things spreads like no other! I ripped up what seemed like miles of roots that were trying to invade the entire yard and choke out my favorite daffodils. Not on my watch!

Here in the south, gardeners have a tough job. It’s fascinating to see how quickly and easily plants will grow, but look away for a minute and you’ve got a jungle on your hands! I’ve got a lot more to do to get things in tip top shape for prime time this spring. It feels so good to dig in the dirt and watch the progress from day to day.

What are you planting this spring? What’s blooming where you are?

Images by me: Orangina. My son examining the basil we planted last year and our seed sprouting experiment.

Written with StackEdit.

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