Quick Sunday Project: Workout Motivation Jar...for Charity!

in #popcontest6 years ago (edited)

Hello all!

I'm going to share a quick project I've been thinking about for awhile. Last year when I started my fitness/health journey more seriously, one of the motivation tips I found was creating a jar in which you'd put a dollar in every time you worked out.

I didn't do this, as I think I was getting motivation with an overwhelming desire to change my life for the better. Self-care was made a priority in my life and I feel energized, empowered and beautiful every time I get to sweat up a good workout.

But now one year later I'm thinking, how can I improve on this? There's always room for improvements, so the workout motivation jar came back into mind!

Hi...this is is what I wake up to...

I didn't go out to buy anything. I dug up an old spaghetti jar I have washed out and was waiting in my cupboard for me to think of something to do with it. I had a bunch of tissue paper in my crafts drawers, double stick tape, and I had an origami roses kit from when I was younger.

I wanted to cover the middle section of the jar for sure because I wasn't able to get the sticky gunk off. So I measured the tissue paper to this middle section and used my double stick tape to adhere it.

How can I make it a little more pa-zaazz? From my roses kit I had green wires and leaves that I had to play around with on the jar before coming up with something I liked. And then I took white cardstock paper to cut out small leaves to write out the label of my jar. Tada! Workout motivation jar complete!

Literally took me just 30 minutes to do

While making this, I was listening to the sermon from my church online (...I'm not very good at showing up to things on time...😅 and decided to stay at home to listen instead of showing up 45 minutes late heh...) and my pastor was quoting a passage from Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life".

"The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were placed by his purpose and for his purpose."

I feel one of the purposes is to serve others, have compassion for everyone no matter what their background is. I still want to meditate on these words and I probably will for the rest of my life. One of the greatest things to do is to embrace the unknown.

Self-care is also very important to me, I believe in order to be able to help others you need to be able to take care of yourself first. So part of me doing this, is thinking: now that I'm taking care of myself in this aspect of my life, how can I use this to serve others?

That's why this jar will be going towards a charity at the end of the year!

The more I workout, the more I can give. Win! 😉

Thank for reading!
I hope you receive lots of love and positivity this week! ❤️


Great story and motivatiolal for sure ! Good luck to you , I hope to see a post on how much you actually saved up for charity with your awesome and positive idea ! thanks for sharing in my #popcontest ! upped and resteemed , good luck !💕✌👍😀

Thanks! I love this contest and will be posting more! <3

That's is a good idea you have put up, thanks for your dedication, with God on our side we will move on. Thanks for that and do find time to check my blogs.

Thanks! I will check you out!

Thanks. Did my first vlog today.

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