√[popcontest #18] How to be Positive

in #popcontest7 years ago (edited)


How to Maintain a Positive Viewpoint

“If a man should live many years, let him enjoy them all.”

Those who have constant negative feelings may think that the idea of enjoying “many years” is just a dream. Life may feel like one dark day after another. Alot of people struggle with this, as humans we are imperfect and we have ups and downs, maybe even depression, but we can still maintain a positive outlook.

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

Being Upbuilding and Positive

What do you need to do?
Rather than dwelling at length on negative matters, speak about things that improve a situation or that impart confidence.

Why is it important?
People are worn down by a loveless world. Many have serious personal problems.

Don't dwell on negative things just because there is an abundance of it in the world. What we want to do is dwell on the good in life and ideals of a free spirit.

Try to encourage others and motive and inspire their lifes this will in turn inspire you and motive you.

Let love, not irritation, motivate what you say in everyday life.

Many studies confirm the correlation between positive thinking and success. This is something to think about indeed 😉.

So how can we begin to brighten our view of the world, and infuse more positivity into our thought patterns?

Stay positive and constructive even during tough times and keep working towards something better.

Points to keep in practice

  1. Keep Practicing Gratitude

  2. Keep Positive Posture

  3. Keep Smiling 😊

  4. Keep positive friends

  5. Keep doing kind things

Be well my friends and see you on the next one.

I'm Jason Arnold (@krazypoet)

“If a man should live many years, let him enjoy them all.”.

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Thanks for stopping by and reading
Much Love to all & be well


Stay Positive

This is the way to steem on






Awesome positive vibes post @krazypoet ! Loved it , and your bitmoji haha ! I use them all the time LOL! Great quote at the end , and I truly believe Positivity brings success ! All great points as well ! Good Luck , up
ed and resteemed !!😀

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