Pop Contest Entry - Life of a steemit user !!

in #popcontest7 years ago (edited)

Do you also face these common steemian issues? Look how I defined it through MY WAY OF POETRY !!


So you are here, just like me,
Working head to toe to earn some steem, 💸
thinking different ways to get a few votes,👍🏻
using bellyrub, randowhale and upgoats!🐐


But it doesn’t work much,
and you beat your head,🤦🏻‍♀
because after seven days
your posts goes dead.💀

That post, on which you spent a week, 📝
for which you researched on net like a geek.👓
You thought and typed and rechecked so many times, 🙇🏻‍♀
only for readers to ignore it like blinds?🤷🏻‍♀


Damn it, you get frustrated!! 😖
To see all your effort becoming a wastage, 💩
but then you see huge dollars on the trending posts, 💰
you again get motivated & your depressed self gets lost. 👻

Then you post again,📝
promote it like a crazy man.🙇🏻
On steemitchat, on Discord, on FB and Instagram,📱
you try ALL platforms, you even try to SPAM ! 👨🏻‍💻


But still what you earn is just 2-3 extra votes 👍🏻,
you wonder if there is something wrong with people
or something wrong with your posts?🤔

You try new promotional techniques,
try praising people from India, Asia, Africa or Greece,
you make random comments to gain attention 🔆
you vote, follow, tag and mention. 🔗


Fail, fail, fail !! After so many tries, ☹
Okay! I will leave steemit, you finally decide. 😑
But then curie or a random Whale upvotes you,
and again, you get emotional & change your choice.🙀

Trapped again by the only website,🖥
where your talent has a chance to shine real bright,🌟
you again put time, again put efforts,👩🏻‍💻
with a vision to increase your steem networth💵,

You beg for votes from people, 🙏🏻
you make deals to vote back, 🤝
you ask others to follow for follow,👉🏻
you unwillingly chat.😓

But how can anyone chat so much,😧
that too, when you have SO MANY Discord servers. 🙆🏻
How can you write, promote and gossip all together, 🤷🏻‍♂
and read and comment further.🤦🏻‍♀


So you drop the idea and cease to chat,🙅🏻‍♂
you stay awake late night like a bat 🦇
thinking of new ideas, to increase some views, 👀
trying to hit the section TRENDING and not just the NEW !! 🗣

Then you participate in a bucket full of contests,🥊
and hope to win them all, 🏆
only to realise that not a single window 🖼,
was struck by your ball ⚾.


Then you SPAM people’s posts with COMMENTS,📥
until someone warns you to flag your spams. 🚩
What to do? What to do? You think again,😰
wasting time on making a new plan 📈.

And then you decide to attract a Whale,🐋
painting their pictures, following their trails, 🎨
commenting on their wall, saving your fall, 🤹🏻‍♀
but Oh My God, you fail again! 👎🏻

You sit there expressionless,
not knowing what to do? 😞
Whether leave it down there,
or should you continue❓


You read people’s lengthy posts and leave quality comments, ✍🏻
but until how long would you read, just to keep a hold of them?✊🏻

But look at you, even after such a huge fall,🥀
you still have strength to stand tall🕴🏻
You still don’t give up, you are still trying, 🏃🏻
look, you are already a winner, why are you crying?🤷🏻‍♀


Your votes might not be increasing, but your followers are, 👬
your dollars might not be rising, but your reputation has jumped so far. 🤾🏻‍♀

Big things take big-time, 🕛
keep patience until you are confined, 😌
your time will come quick, if you keep up your pace, 🏃🏻‍♀
ENJOY THIS PLATFORM, don’t take it as a race.❌

Fail a 100 times to be successful once, 🏅
Trust me, that once would be enough then,
because someday you will be noticed,
this place is full of good men 👨🏼‍⚖.


Be prepared for failures, 🤥
don’t take them seriously, 🙂
provide value, provide help, don’t behave viciously. 😏

And the most important is that you post to enjoy, 🤠
earning is just a bonus, Oh boy !!😎

Be happy when you receive it, but when not, don’t cry, 😅
do here WHAT YOU LOVE, and wait for it to reach the sky. 💫


1st picture taken from @minnowbooster. All others from pixabay.com or pexels.com.

FYI, this is a repeated post for a contest, everyone who has upvoted once on the previous post, need not upvote again :)

What do you think was similar to your situation from the above poetry. Comment with #iagree if you face anything same as I mentioned above. SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS TOO TO GIVE THEM A GOOD LAUGH. Keep steeming hard !! :)


You really are a great writer .
Keep it up.
Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks a lot 😃😃. How did you get so much steem power? 😮

Hi friend you are fantastic, so beautifuly express every single thing. I want to tell that we bought many things in real life situations example if you buy a drozen of eggs and want to make tost of it. You pick two randomly from the twelve and found it bed, do you through all the eggs. Definitely not, so patience and dedication is the key to success. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful poem, Good luck for your great journey of life.

Nice way to mk clear. Patience alwys fruitfull it is not overnite journey to famedom. The way u explained u must hv a calm n composed persona...👍 gr8 post

Thanks dear :) Truly, it takes time and effort to reach the top. Thanks for your comment.

Thanks maya. You are right here. We should look at the half filled glass not the half empty one. Sorry for replying late. M not well these days.

Love this! Very creative and had a good chuckle! Good luck with your entry into this week's #popcotest! Much love, @sweetpea

It was reposted from 7 days ago . You can read my comment here. Thanks !

@sweetpea, you can read my comment too below karen’s comment.

Thank you. While I thoroughly enjoyed your poem, I think it is a general Steemit rule that you are not allowed to repost older posts, without considerable editing. So I understand where @karenmckersie is coming from.

I think it is a general Steemit rule that you are not allowed to repost older posts, without considerable editing.

@sweetpea can you back up your above statement with any reference? I'm almost certain that there is no such rule. Do quote any credible sources you can find to make your statement authentic.

I work with @blue-pencil, an editng service on Steemit, and we are now working quite closely with Steemcleaners. When you repost content you are duplicating it, which goes against what Steemit is about....original content. Unless you hectically edit your post, you can get into trouble, yes.

Well said! So in effect, it's not Steemit's official rule but it's Steemcleaners' rule. In the absence of any official rule everyone is free to follow their own rules. And I don't support Stemcleaners' rule regarding re-posting. Hence the disagreement with you. Thanks for telling me where you form your beliefs from anyway!

Ok then. Just be careful reposting things, Steemcleaners IS Steemit and they have just closed 2 accounts that we know of because the users were doing the exact same thing. Just a friendly warning :)

Steemcleaners IS Steemit

To me, your belief system is laughable.
If Steemcleaners have really closed some accounts for that reason then they deserve more wrath and hatred. And if you believe whatever Steemcleaners do is right because of its power, then you are a slave to them without any free thinking of your own.

To clarify a bit, I'd like you to refer to the Steemit documentation where they clearly state that anything legal is welcome to be posted here. And I don't know of any such law which terms re-posting as illegal. Whoever takes an action to close accounts for re-posting is a criminal in my eyes. I'd like to know more details about this incident, if you can provide any.

Thanks for your friendly warning but I really don't care about it! And here is another shocker for you: I ain't posting this from Steemit 😜 😉.

You just "reposted " this exact same post you put up 7 days ago now that its paid out , and entered it here into my #popcontest ! I all ready seen it and up voted it 7 days ago ! Now your making another 11.00 SD and copy pasted material ,be careful you don't get flagged by @cheetah or @steemcleaners or even worse @berniesanders , he's not happy minnowbooster and people reaping rewards from the rewards pool .

Hi karen. Yes it is reposted by me because On the previous post, somebody commented about putting this poetry in your contest. You can read it in the comments as well below that post. I wasn’t aware about your contest before that, but because it is necessary to put the first tag as #popcontest, I couldn’t put my post in your contest. I followed all your rules Karen, there wasn’t any rule that my poetry can’t be posted again, was there? And no I won’t be flagged for my own material, and because I didn’t use even a single bot on it, not also Msp and banjo, bernie won’t flag it ! Infact, from about 1000 posts that I have made in my entire time on steemit, I have used minnowbooster just once ! So I don’t fear bernie. I support his fight against bots instead.

If you still think my poetry isn’t a clean entry for your contest, just because, I posted it 2 days before knowing about your contest, it’s ok. I will take my entry back, but please mention it in your rules as well from the next time that the entry should be a NEW WRITE-UP or if you could give us the liberty to put ANY tag as popcontest instead of the first :) Thanks

this does not require being put into the rules when its quite obvious that copy pasting your exact post from 7 days ago is against all that steemit stands for !! Don't you think everyone on steemit would be doing this and draining the rewards pool like crazy by reposting all their stuff twice !! And then who's to stop them from doing it over and over again !! It would have been perhaps a different story if you would have just put the post up and it was new , and did not make any money yet , then you could have deleted that one and reposted it using #popcontest as your first tag !! What do you think will happen to steemit if every one did exactly what you just did with all their posts !?!? Donth try to tell me what did is all right ! I have been here for well over 16 months and have survived many flag wars !! Good luck to you !!

Yes posting ALL posts again would be unacceptable. But I didnt do that, I already gave you the reason why did I post THIS ONE again. I am not putting all my posts again on my wall here all the time. Also in other contests, they do mention that whether the post should be new or not !! You can check @steemitgottalent’s rule for instance.

Anyway. Thanks!

read my rule number three! Also its obvious if I state that you need to use #popcontest as your first tag and an all original post ! Instead you just tried to capitalize on your post again (which I might add that I up voted seven days ago allready !)

@karenmckersie, I checked up your rule no. three. It says:

Only 1 Positive Themed Original Post Entry each!

So are you alleging that this entry is not original? Can you quote any source where you found this poem in existence before this author first published it? I didn't find any such reference in all your comments here!

Secondly, I'm curious to know why you can't find all the entries if #popcontest is not used as first tag but as a second, a third or an nth tag?

the whole point is that she reposted a post that she was all ready paid out for 7 days ago ! So do you think copy pasting is OK !? Do you think its fair to all the other entries !? What do you think steemit would be like if we all totally copied all our posts that we all ready got paid for and just staarted reposting everything !?!? Also #popcontest is the main tag for many reasons , as well as trying to keep all the positive posts in one tag , so its easier for all the other people entering to also up vote and reateem your post ! and possibly see your post , making you more money , so that in that way , you win by getting seen by many more people , which will also help create a new tag , to benefit steemians , by having a place to see and read positive vibe posts on steemit ! Almost all other contests requires you to use their tag as your first tag !! Such as the # memechallenge for one !!
heres the link to the exact same post she put up , now 8 days ago !!


also I never once alleged that it was not original ! I said she copy pasted from her own post that she wrote now 8 days ago ! And is now posting her exact same post again ! After it has all ready paid out !
Im loving all the curation im getting in here guys !! Thanks ! ✌💕😀

👍🏻 I won’t agrue more :) Thanks for all your rules :) :)

yes 4 easy rules and your welcome ! In 14 weeks and hundreds entries you are the only one that has an issue , everyone else knows the easy rules no problem ! Moving on now , I have never flagged anyone yet . Best of luck to you on steemit !

Plus #popcontest needs to be the first tag so we can easily find all the new entries in the contest in one place !! If its not in the #popcontest tag my guest judge who does not get all the entries like I do , will never even know that you entered !! Rules are made and meant for reason , to be fair for all entrants !

just because someone mentioned you should have entered it in my #popcontest does not mean to go ahead and copy paste a 7 day old post ! And the enter it trying to get even more rewards twice over for the same post !! OMG ! They likely meant next time think about using the pop contest tag as your first tag . Because they liked it and were trying to be nice .

As i said, it is mentioned in the other contests about new or old posts !! Let’s just finish this argument now. I won’t be repeating the same things again and neither would you prefer it, after all, the whole argument was about repeating things. So you stick to your rules, I would stick to mine :) Thanks.

that's sounds good to me ! Best of luck on steemit , don't be surprised if you get a visit from @steemcleaners though they usually handle these things , I don't think you will get flagged . Just trying to warn you for future reference ! Believe me this comes from experience !✌

@himshweta, a very nice poem based on the realistic situation for Steemit minnows. May you have more success here!

@steemitminnows is a close-knit, experimental community of minnows focused on creating engagement on each others' posts through more than just upvotes.

We are a small but growing community and our Discord home is @ https://discord.gg/zPv9kMZ

We look forward to having you onboard with us.

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