in #popcontest7 years ago

The Only Rules to Success are Work hard and be Confident in Yourself

As a teenager growing up in an impoverished area I see so many people who think they will amount to nothing. I see so many people who genuinely believe they will amount to nothing.

So many young people who are so self conscious about themselves and who don’t believe in themselves and because these people believe they will amount to nothing they most likely will amount to nothing.

Look at Conor McGregor a classic example of somebody who has the entire world in the palm of his hand. Just like us he also grew up in the same place as the rest of us. Just like us he wasn’t very well off growing up. Just like us he thought he would never amount to nothing.

So what changed, what’s the difference between him and us, absolutely nothing. The only difference between him and us is he worked hard but more importantly he believed in himself. You go to any prison in the world and I guarantee you most of them will tell you they were told they would never amount to nothing and they believed that, they clung onto it and look where it led them. Where as if you ask Conor McGregor why he is where he is he’d tell you because he believes he is the best and he worked harder than anyone else to achieve everything he has achieved.

The only rules to success are work hard and be confident in yourself.

If you work hard for something and you believe you can do it you WILL do it and if you don’t do it on your first go you try again then you try again and try again and never stop trying you might get it in your first go, you might get it in your 200th go but eventually you will get it. Its like rolling a dice there’s only a certain amount of times you can roll until you get the number you want.

If you believe you can achieve. Its simple math if there’s a 1 in a million chances of you getting something if try that a million times you’re more than likely to get it and if ye don’t get it you will eventually, all you need to do to be successful is work hard and believe in yourself and whatever you want will come to you. I know what most of you are thinking anyways who is this absolute nobody  telling me he has the key to success and you know what you’re right I am an absolute nobody but that doesn’t mean you have to be either you can be whatever you want to be, you can have whatever you want . I’m no genius or anything but if there’s one thing I do know its hard work and determination pays off. Always believe in yourself no matter what anyone else says as long as you believe in yourself that’s all that matters because the only opinion that matters is your own.

Stay positive and believe in yourself


Resteemed this post because the content really spoke to me! people will think that they will amount to nothing! but inevitably, if you push for something continuously until you get it, there is a higher chance that you will get it. I'm an under graduate doing a multimedia course, and I have failed Programming 1 (a first year subject) for 3 years now, and I just haven't been eager at all to finish it and I feel that I'm slowly losing motivation to continue with life itself, but this post has really encouraged me to get help and accomplish something great and make something great of myself! look at Connor who has the world in his hands, because he went for it. It doesn't matter if you grow up with an impoverish background, because it's all about what you do right here, and right now!

Never ever ever give up because your best is yet to come. The only time you are a failure is when you accept to be. School results doesn't determine our greatest nor how knowledgeable we are.

Are you always this supremely positive?? I agree with what you say, but am not always able to remain so positive.

Yes. That has been what kept me going... Being positive. Because looking at where I came from and my background, they believe I was never going to become something in life but right now they are the ones testifying my achievement. Yet I'm just starting... There are still lot to achieve. Is never easy sometimes you feel like giving up, I know but the moment you starting feeling tired your failure is knocking at your door

Thanks for that excellent, inspiring message.

Someone once said, "If you believe you CANNOT achieve something, you are correct. And if you believe you CAN achieve something, you are correct then too."

I wonder who that someone is because at first I didn't get this saying, but I'm kind of making sense of it now that I think about it. As much as you believe you cannot achieve something, is the same amount of belief you have to achieve something. If that makes sense. like as much of a chance you have failing is the same amount of chance that you have passing. it all just filters down to you as the individual I guess.

I love your post it is so true what you say.work hard and believe in yourself. There are so many people in the world especially among the youth today who think they are worthless and will amount to nothing just because someone told them that. I was told that when I was young , for a very long time I believed it. When I relised that God made me in His image and that in His sight I am special. I started believing in myself and started being more positive and working hard at what ever was given me to do. I slowly developed my self worth. It isn't easy , I still have to work at it. Every one has that special gift inside of them , a God given talent that needs to be developed.Thanyou @ceyonce for such a positive post God Bless you.

Thank you for sharing your story, most times we youths do believe what people says about us, not knowing that the power of what we will become is in our hands. Nobody can make you who you are except yourself and God. I know as you said is not easy but you never gave up. And in my post until you get it right never stop trying.

Thankyou @ceyonce you are a very wise young lady, and wish you all the best and continue to be the best that you are. You can be very proud. God bless, Shalom Shalom.

Work hard to be good, and work harder to be the best.

There is always hope for those who often pray and there is always a way for those who like to try.

spirit ! :)

Great entry @ceyonce ! Theres an old saying I love " If at first you dont succeed , Try , Try Again !! " Thanks for sharing your positive story with everyone in my #popcontest ! upped and resteemed , good luck !👍👍👍💕💕💕💕✌

Yea. Until you got it right never stop trying

the scenery is very beautiful, I like it very much.

This post has an important message. Consistency is probably one of the most important things for success too. It's something I struggle with, but working at it. If you keep jumping from thing to thing and don't give it enough time, you are not going to get very far either. Consistency and hard work are both important factors for success. I followed you, looking forward to more of your posts :)

This is super true! consistency is the key to success! it's no use you hop from thing to thing if your not gonna see those things through.

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