The Poor Man and the Rich Man

It once happened that the Lord himself was exhausted and overpowered by the night before he could reach an inn during the days when he still used to wander about on this earth among mortals. On the road in front of him, two houses were now facing each other: one was enormous and lovely, the other was modest and run-down. A rich man owned the large one, while a poor man owned the smaller one. Then the Lord decided that he would spend the night with the rich man so as not to stress him. The wealthy man answered his door when he heard someone knocking and asked the visitor what he needed. I only ask for a night's lodging, the Lord replied. The wealthy man then examined the traveler from head to toe and shook his head when he saw that the Lord was dressed simply and did not appear to have much money in his pocket "No, I'm afraid I can't take you in. My rooms are filled with herbs and seeds, and if I took in everyone who came knocking, I might soon have to beg for money. Go to a different place to stay, "and after saying this, he closed the window, leaving the Lord to remain there. The Lord then turned away from the affluent man and approached the tiny house across the street, knocking. When the poor man motioned for the traveler to enter after opening the tiny door, he had barely finished. He responded, "Pass the night with me; you cannot go any further tonight. It is now dark." The Lord was pleased and entered after that. The poor man's wife gave him a handshake, greeted him, and told him to settle in and make the most of what they had to offer. They didn't have much, but what they did have, they would give to him with all their hearts. After that, she started the stove to cook the potatoes while she milked the cows. The Lord sat down at the table with the man and his wife when the cloth had been spread, and he appreciated their coarse food because everyone at the table was smiling. "Hark you, dear husband, let us build up a bed of straw for ourselves to-night," the woman said to her husband when it was time for bed after dinner. "The poor traveler can sleep in our bed and have a decent rest, for he has been walking the whole day through, and that makes one weary." With all my heart, I will go and offer it to him," he replied. He then went to the stranger and invited him to stay in their bed and rest if he had no objections. But the Lord resisted taking the two elderly people's bed, and they would not be pleased until he finally gave up and lay down in their bed, with them lying on some straw on the ground.

The following morning, they rose early to prepare the guest with the best meal they could. After getting up and eating with them once more when the sun came through the small window, the Lord prepared to leave for his journey. However, as he approached the door, he turned around and said, "As you are so wonderful and kind, you may wish for three things for yourself, and I will give them." "What else should I ask for than eternal happiness, and that we two may be healthy and have our daily bread every day as long as we live," the guy continued. "I do not know what to have for the third wish." Will you yearn for a new house instead of this old one, the Lord asked him? Oh, yeah, the man replied, "I would like it very much if I can have that, too." The Lord granted his request, transforming their old home into a new one. When the wealthy man got up and leaned out of his window during the height of the sun, he noticed that where the old hut formerly stood was now a brand-new, tidy mansion with red tiles and dazzling windows. He called his wife and told her he was shocked beyond belief "What could have occurred, please? There was a depressing small cabin there last night, but today there is a lovely new house. Run over and have a look at what transpired." In response, the poor man's wife went and inquired of him. He replied, "Yesterday evening a traveler came here and asked for a night's lodging, and this morning when he took leave of us he granted us three wishes—eternal happiness, health during this life, and our daily bread as well, and besides this, a beautiful new house instead of our old hut." When the wife of the wealthy man heard this, she hurried back and told her husband what had happened. The man uttered, "I could rip myself apart! If only I had known that! I turned away the traveler who also arrived to our home and wished to stay there." "Get on your horse right away, his wife pleaded. You still have a chance to overtake the man, but you'll need to make three wishes in order to get what you want." The wealthy guy took the wise advice, rode off on his horse, and soon met the Lord. He pleaded with him not to be offended by the fact that he had not let the stranger in right away. He was looking for the front door key, and in the interim, the stranger had left; if he came back in the same manner, he must come and remain with him. Yes, the Lord replied; "I shall do so if I ever return again." The wealthy guy then enquired as to whether he might not also wish for three things, as his neighbor had done. The rich man believed that he could easily ask for something that would increase his happiness if he only knew that it would be granted. "Yes," the Lord said, but it would not be to his advantage and he had better not wish for anything. The Lord then instructed him, "Ride home, and three wishes you shall form shall be granted." The wealthy man rode home after getting what he desired and started thinking about what else he should wish for. He let the bridle slip while he was contemplating this, which caused the horse to start running around and kept him from being able to concentrate. Gently, Lisa, he said as he patted the horse's neck, but the horse only started learning new tricks. Finally, he became upset and yelled angrily, "I wish your neck was broken!" As soon as he finished speaking, the horse collapsed on the ground, where it lay lifeless for the rest of the day. And so, his first dream came true. He hated to leave things lying around and was naturally frugal, so he ripped the harness off and put it on his back, forcing him to proceed on foot. He remarked, "I still have two wishes left," and consoled himself with that idea. He became quite hot-tempered and agitated as he was now moving slowly across the sand and the sun was scorching hot at noon. His back ached from the saddle, and he was at a loss for what to hope for. "He thought to himself, "If I were to wish for all the money and treasures in the world, I still have to think of a lot of other things later on, I know that beforehand. But I'll make it work so that I won't have anything left to desire for afterwards." Then, with a sigh, he said, "Ah, if I were but that Bavarian peasant, who similarly had three wishes granted to him, and knew quite well what to do, and in the first place wished for a great deal of beer, in the second for as much beer as he was able to drink, and in the third for a barrel of beer in addition." He frequently believed he had found it, but after more consideration, it seemed to be too little. Then he realized what a simple life his wife had because she stayed in a cool room at home and enjoyed herself. He was greatly annoyed by this, and before he even realized it, he muttered, "I just wish she was sitting there on this saddle and could not get off it, instead of me dragging it along on my back." The saddle vanished from his back as the final phrase was said, and he realized that his second wish had come true. He then experienced genuine warmth. He started to run and wished for complete alone in his bedroom at home so that he could come up with a very enormous final wish. But when he got there and opened the parlour door, he discovered his wife on the saddle in the center of the room, sobbing and whining but unable to get off of it. He then urged her to "Bear it, and I will wish for all the wealth in the world for thee; just remain where thou art." However, she referred to him as an idiot and questioned what good all of the riches in the world would be if she had to ride on this saddle. Given that you wished me well, you must assist me. So, whether he wanted to or not, he was forced to grant his third wish, which was that she should be able to get out of the saddle, and this wish was immediately granted. The result was that the poor people lived peacefully, contentedly, and piously until their happy deaths while the rich man only received annoyance, trouble, abuse, and the loss of his horse.

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