The Brave New World Order

in #poor8 years ago

The World's Waste Will Feed The Poor or The Upside Down World Thinking

"Your Success Is My Success!"

How many thinking business people in the entire world believe it is time for a "Brave New World Order" (for want of a better title)? I am aware of some of the negative connotations in this title but I find it most appropriate right now! I have added the word “brave” to the original title because it will need brave people to get this new dispensation started and to sustain it for future generations. Somewhere between Communism, Socialism and what I call, outright Democratic Capitalism, must lie the answer. I am suggesting a virtual think-tank made up of as many intelligent people as possible to formulate a new form of World Government.
It is my view that the world is constantly at war and collapsing around us because of greed and egos! We appear to be at war with each other, the environment, religions, cultures, race, greed, egos, apathy and complacency, to name but a few!
Just look at the conflict zones in the world today and the number of our fellow beings who are suffering, being exploited or even murdered in the interests of those greedy and egotistical beings!
There is also a breakdown of communication because of language barriers which MUST be addressed! The Internet can change this with online language translation web sites.
We need to stop those who manipulate the marketplaces which, as anyone in business should know, can only be controlled for a short time before the "market" catches on and turns on these people. Just take the "free", Creator-provided resources – water, land, oil and gold -- as examples! Why are these “owned” or controlled by just the privileged few? I understand some form of management of these resources are necessary to avoid over-exploitation and sustainability but surely this should be done in a much fairer way than at present?
Foreign Exchange rates are another sore point with me when I see Third World countries being raped by those egotists and greedy people who destroy jobs because little grey men behind computer screens can daily manipulate a country's Forex rate! Who decides what the SA rand should be worth against say the Dollar, Pound or Yen? Is this not just another international "con" to buy low and sell high? When do honest, decent people "say enough!" to this insidious method of controlling others?
Should one also just accept organisations and Governments controlling what interest rate one pays? Should one accept inflation (mostly created by Governments) or food shortages or rising food prices when there is land aplenty to grow our food? Five million people die of malnutrition each year! Millions go to sleep starving! 40 Per cent. of America’s food is thrown away each year! Is it NOT time to put a stop to this world-wide genocide? Consider that the 7-billion people on the planet right now (2013) can all fit, standing up, into California.
The above criticism (hopefully it is viewed in a positive light) applies to only some individuals and First World companies, conglomerates or most Governments! Why do we ordinary citizens allow them to become involved in businesses and make unwanted Laws that control us? Should they not just be representing the people's Will and setting policies and making decent, fair laws? Should we allow a few dictators and despots to control others? Should those greedy, corrupt individuals, be allowed to get away with the millions of taxpayers' money that they are defrauding, without being held personally accountable or even sued in their individual, personal capacities to return their ill-gotten gains? Should they be allowed to continue acting above the Law?
History has proven this time and time again that the market cannot be manipulated forever and yet there are those other naive, simple, uneducated folk who get caught in these traps, who are exploited or are forced to accept these crimes against humanity because of complacency and apathy! Zimbabwe is a good example of this with South Africa running a close second!
I do not profess to have all the answers but I do believe it is out "there" somewhere! I believe it is in the hands of the youth who at present are "getting the leaders they deserve" by placing their cross next to the wrong person's name! Is it not time that the legal profession steps in an assists those who have been wronged to sue these people in their own names? If Governments or leaders are not delivering on their promises should they be removed from power? Should the majority not be able to call an election by electronic voting to unseat these despots who are growing unhealthily wealthy at the expense of the poor and who suffer from "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"?
I also believe that it only takes two people to start the ball rolling.
We need a web site -- created by someone far cleverer than me -- which will give like-minded people a forum to voice their concerns about these issues! But we must never forget: "Words without action may as well have been suppressed altogether!" -- Thomas Carlyle.
All men are born equal yet why is there so much pain, suffering and poverty on this planet? Billionaires when others are starving or dying of hunger? Why so much misunderstanding? Why so much hatred?
I wish I had the answers but I do have an opinion on where to find them! I also propose that the citizens of individual countries and the world contribute monthly to a Citizens’ Legal Aid Fund (CLAF) which will be independently managed by elected businesspeople, individuals, religious leaders and not Government or big business. The funds must be TOTALLY transparent to all. Every expense must monthly be adequately reported on.
Those who believe in a Divine Creator (and I agree that there are those who think differently and rather let us agree to disagree and openly discuss our differences), knows that HE gave us EVERYTHING we need to make earth into a Heaven or a Hell!
I am afraid the egotists and the greedy have "forced" us into the latter assisted by the apathetic and complacent.
Is it time for change? I believe the time is NOW! The youth need to have their voices heard by shouting out and doing something to create the world they would like to live in as well as for their children's children.
Yours sincerely,


We need to get away from of those bankers....

Blockchain will help with that. Welcome George.
George and I work on the same projects together, gearing up to change the world!