
closing for the season already?

I sold that property and peaced out!

Congratulations then. Must be a reasonable sale price.

last time you saw her she was in a pool ?

or hot tub ?

I sold the property and said see you later!

Is the sale finalized and your moving out? Was wondering if that's what you meant by the last time I saw her?

I always find it sad when I move, heck even places I didn't even wanna live at I'm still always sad to leave lol

Yeah it got finalized and now I'm in Indiana. I got pretty sad to leave for the last time.

Yeah it's funny how emotional it can be just leaving a house. Prior to buying my now house I was renting my folks house for a couple years while they were living in South Carolina, but prior to that I was living in this townhouse in the hood. I never really liked the place that much but when it came time to leave I was super sad lol. I still have it as a rental, occasionally I'll have to go over to do some repairs, really wierd going back in there. Happy to hear the sale went through I know you were saying there were some hiccups

yeah I actually cried when I left which surprised me because I wanted the money out of that place for a long time. Hahhahah

Yeah always wierd leaving a place knowing you'll never be back there, thinking about those memories.

For a number of years my gf and I were renting my folks house. That was really wierd to leave cuz not only did I have all the memories of really building my business there and with my girlfriend but also all the family memories as well.

My sisters moved away to Ohio and so don't see her much, folks moved to South Carolina but that house was always where we'd all come back to for Christmas and I'd stay over there Christmas eve. Now my folks moved back but are living in an apartment so that was like the last Christmas that we'd all be together watching movies xmas even and waking up Christmas having breakfast all that good stuff. Yeah that change of an era stuff really fucks with your head.

That said change is always hard but it's always funny how whatever the next thing life brings your way quickly becomes the norm and is great until it's time to change once again and the cycle continues

Yeah I hear you about the memories. Even being back here and seeing some of my old stuff reorganized into boxes was interesting. I'm going to do some posts about some of my old stuff that I found like my baseball / basketball cards, old Linux distributions, Sega Genesis and Dreamcast....etc. Should be pretty interesting.

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