How to clean up the global massive fiat currency scam from the Ponzi Fractional Reserve Monetary System

in #ponzi8 years ago

Today’s Topic. 

 How to clean up the global massive fiat currency scam from the Ponzi Fractional Reserve Monetary System and expose the legal counterfeiting crooks behind it?

This topic is actually very complicated but for those whom has been following my articles about the Global Financial Debt based disasters about to happen, we are all currently subscribers, blindly or consciously, it becomes easier for me to explain that the ONLY solution to bring back some decent sense of sincere and truthful real money.

For the benefit of those whom recently joined, and I am very glad to update that more new members are now coming from all cross the world, indicating a small degree of success that I am reaching more globally and given the opportunity to open more people’s  veil of legal counterfeiting paper money scam that transfer wealth by stealing and robbing from everyone to a small group of powerful and evil people those from the Central Banking Systems and their hidden masters, whom also control their governments and major corporations in food, health, main stream medias, etc, or the network of corporate controls.

The Global Ponzi Factional Reserve Monetary System scam allows those in the banking sector to loan out 10 times or more whatever the actual real amount of money deposited. In other word, they can loan out 90% of what they do not have in the first place and charge interests on it. As more deposits are made from the 90% loaned out, this 10 times figure escalates to infinity. This is why it is Ponzi. Over the last 5 years, another even higher Ponzi scam has become popular worldwide. It is the criminally insanity of governments allowing Central Banks to print unlimited Legally Counterfeiting fiat currency or paper money out of thin air backed by nothing.  This is the main reason banks these days do not even want your deposits because the unlimited printing of legal counterfeiting is much more convenience Ponzi, since it can be just declared by governments to be legal tender because they said so, backed by nothing but “In God We Trust”.

“In God We Trust” my foot. In at least 2 major religions, their Gods only allows and declares Gold & Silver, Dinar & Dirham are the only TWO truthful honest money for governments and employers to pay their employees for a good days wage, and as a medium of exchange.

So, what can the masses and people do when they are constantly being robbed of their hard earned savings by governments whom deflates the value of their fiat currency by printing more and more of it.

The TRUE answer is Nothing, there is Nothing they can do, except to continue work as a workhorse in slavery, pay their dues in debt and taxes and continue to work till their day of dead.

Unless, one or two powerful nations, with top leaders of great virtue, sincerity and willingness to do what’s right for their people and the larger global world at large, make an attempt to break off from the current Ponzi scam, which all nations are now part of Debt Monetary System, the human race may have a little hope of non-extinction from the global financial meltdown gathering faster and faster momentum right now.

The ONLY solution to STOP this Global Ponzi scheme is to get back to “The Gold Standard” and adopt again decent medium of exchange for global trade using real money. This is starting to happen from 1 October 2016 or after nuclear World War 3 assuming if there are anyone left to implement anything.

All global fiat currency are not backed by anything since 1971, where the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency does not have enough gold holdings to back up the dollar. As such, those born after 1971 or born earlier but are too young to know, are the lost two generations that lose touch with these precious metals as monetary real money used for honest exchange of goods & services.

I am expecting the US dollar to be retired as the world’s reserve currency before or by 2018 and the world has to return to some form of gold backed standard to ensure any monetary sanity system left against the massive & unlimited global fiat currencies being printed out of thin air backed by nothing except more debt and mountain of global debts that will never be able to repaid but to default anytime soon.

So, I strongly urge you to purchase some physical gold & silver now to protect yourself and your family as insurance against history biggest financial collapse coming very soon. 

To get a quick education on gold & silver within a week, you can purchase the eBook I wrote last year as it cover the fundamental knowledge needed to fully comprehend real money gold & silver and why the state of world financial affairs are in the meltdown stage and things can only get worst. 

The fundamentals of gold & silver in history must be understood or nothing in the global financial mess we are in now will make any sense to you.

To purchase my eBook at just S$20 or US$15, make payments directly to my PayPal account: [email protected]. The eBook will be emailed to you once the payment is received and please include your email address for delivery.   

Here are the contents and chapters of the eBook in PDF format. 

Contents of eBook. 

The author attempts to answer these questions with his research

 * Why 2015 into 2016 will be the Next Financial Multi Crises 

* Why September 2015 the Stocks Markets will crashed 

* Why 2016 will be a year of global chaos into 2020 

* Which are the countries that will sink into major depression 

* Which 2 empires, one will fall and the other rises 

* Who are the people whom will suffer major wealth wipe out 

* Why all currencies will be replaced 

* Why the Gold Standard will be re-implemented soon 

* Why the impact of next financial crises will hit everyone  


 Chapter 1. An Education on Money 

Chapter 2. Money & Fiat Currency 

Chapter 3. Fractional International Monetary System 

Chapter 4. Stages of the Economy 

Chapter 5. Currency Wars & Trade Imbalances 

Chapter 6. Wall Street  

Chapter 7. Fall & Rise of Empires 

Chapter 8. Four Blood Moons 2014 – 2015 

Chapter 9. Seven Years Recession Cycle Pattern 1973 to 2015 

Chapter 10. Global Multi-Bubbles Crises  

Chapter 11. Gold & Silver 

Chapter 12. Physical & Paper Gold & Silver 

Chapter 13. Silver – the best investment now 

Chapter 14. Why you must buy physical gold & silver now? 

Chapter 15. How to buy gold & silver 

Chapter 16. Don’t say I never tell you in advance 

Chapter 17. Action Plan 

Chapter 18. Conclusion  I am also available for consultancy, seminars, conferences and in house talks for your company.

You are also welcome to join my Facebook Group Silver Gold Hub – Real Money Education by clicking here:

I am sharing this for knowledge and not as any investment advised but urge you to protect your savings and wealth as priority insurance against the global financial meltdown already in progress and the impending default of global debts.  If you find this information helpful and wish to donate $2, $5 or more, it would be much appreciated.  

My PayPal account is: [email protected].

 My Bitcoin address is: 1LPpVK5ovUaJj6tvfG3Zuw3YeTor2hLfkN  

Thank you.   

By David Lim. 29 September 2016.

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