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The most damaging thing to a person's freedoms is done at the very first thing a police officer does. Being arrested carries with it a devastating, for the rest of your life, consequence. And the police have a quota for arrests.

When you are arrested, your name and location and supposed crime go into a national database that anyone on the internet can access. So, if you like corporate jobs, forget it. You will never be called to an interview. They all check for arrest records. And, if you want to work for a bank, it is actually law that they cannot hire someone with an arrest record. (It used to be that arrest happened after they took you in and questioned you, back when they had to fill out paperwork for it. Now, the arrest happens as soon as they scan your license.) And since the arrest database is national, it is almost impossible to delete bad information.

And, what you would change? You don't know THE LAW. What you think is simple, would actually require destroying the BAR.

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