Security is central to the future LIFE and SUCCESS of cryptocurrency.

in #polyswarm6 years ago (edited)

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Remember the biggest payoffs in life are being in on those opportunities that you yourself could see the tremendous value in before the majority of everybody else does. So I don't mind it's slow as a snail on crutches at all! What PolySwarm aims to do will change the world and just imagine the world without $NCT in the future and ask yourself if the future and secure success of cryptocurrency at large can do without such a technology as what PolySwarm intends to implement and you will discover this project is indispensable to the space. I'm in heavily and will be in heavily permanently. The only con is the token supply. I wish it wasn't so high. Because it means more volume will be necessary to establish higher and higher support levels which can be really tough if PolySwarm marketing doesn't cut the mustard. However, I think they understand the paramount importance of keeping everyone's incentives aligned such that everybody wins, as this is evident in their token model. PolySwarm isn't a quick flip; rather, I see this developing technology as an indispensable long-term investment as more and more ambassadors are brought online over the course of time. I would love to see Mckafee's support for this project as that will doubtlessly give it the golden touch it needs. Technology isn't everything. We also need people to understand what it is and why we should be excited about it, otherwise, people will move their money elsewhere to something that is more exciting to them.

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I really doubt Mr. McAfee is not aware of PolySwarm.

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As far as the team goes, I couldn't be more impressed. These people have worked for Homeland Security, DARPA, and are among and connected to the brightest minds in the field of cybersecurity, which as cryptocurrency grows into its own and becomes more and more complex, we will need some decentralized method of identifying and isolating threats in the form of malware and all sorts of offensive code from wreaking havoc. The fact they've worked for DARPA is incredible on it's own. Do you know what DARPA is? Let me get you up to speed. Watch the following video immediately and instantly realize how far out these people are technologically. The point is these people know what they're doing. They are not serious government anal-retentive control-freaks. Rather, these minds are in a league of genius unthinkable to most of us.

"DARPA-funded projects have provided significant technologies that influenced many non-military fields, such as computer networking and the basis for the modern Internet, and graphical user interfaces in information technology."

Reread that statement.

Here are the token details :

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"The platform is, much like Ethereum (which it is based upon), an infrastructure upon which developer solutions can be built. Developer creations called “micro-engines” join the marketplace via a standard API. Ambassadors create solutions to interface their threat intelligence platforms with the marketplace, again via a standard API. All of this means that the end customer benefits from the aggregated threat intelligence coverage.

Polyswarm’s ICO is scheduled for launch on Feb. 6, 2018, with GitHub code and an MVP set for release prior. The founding team is well established within both Blockchain and cybersecurity sectors, having previously won a contract from the US Department of Homeland Security to implement identity management on the Blockchain."

So, this is SECURITY and INFRASTRUCTURE. Probably of central importance, don't you think?

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The whitepaper is elegant in its style and brilliantly simple in its presentation.

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As always, TRUST YOURSELF and I wish you the best of luck in your investments.

And as I've learned recently... what is luck?

Luck is the synergistic combinatory application of knowledge, skill, and timing.

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Identical post over at investFeed :

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