Equifax loses 140M files on Americans (soc sec etc...) and gets NO BID $7M Gov Contract to keep data safe---- "tin foil hat time"

in #poltics7 years ago

Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-equifax-irs-contract-20171004-story.html

Senators are claiming "awe" that the IRS has awarded a "NO BID" $7.5 Million contract to secure data from a firm that just announced they lost 140 million records on Americans.

Make sense ..doen't it ---- YES.

If you consider "problem reaction solution" -- this is how the Deep State works.

Problem -- Massive data breach -- 140 Million records lost -- danger.

Reaction -- The press and polticians reacted in "unison" (clue #1) at the outrageousness of the Equifax company (note -- nobody goes to jail) --- in fact Equifax gets a non-bid IRS contract as a prize.

The goal was to make sure all Americans feel "systems are unsafe today" -- need to change how they handle data.

Solution -- this is the tough one -- where do they want to take this?

  • Government Blockchain ??? -- govcoin --- remember blockchain is "super secure" (especially with the new privacy capability coming) Politicians can't stand in the way of "security for people".

  • Soc Sec #'s system has to change -- go to a National ID card -- which could be anything from a chip to a Blockchain related capability.

Where was Hilary talkin about the data breach ?

Where are the Hollywood stars panicking about the breach?

When the above start squawking -- then you know a new system is coming


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