Poloniex decided to behave like a bank now...

in #poloniex6 years ago (edited)

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Poloniex is holding our funds hostage unless we verify ourselves with our ID.

Wow. This kind of behavior is SOO not in line with the crypto spirit.

Many people won't mind to get verified, all we ask for is a little respect and the chance to make a conscious choice.

People should have been given an advance notice and the opportunity to withdraw their funds, if they do not want to get verified.

I never received such a notice.

Did you?

"Freezing accounts" and taking away access to people's money is sooo old-paradigm!

I hope this will inspire many new decentralized exchanges to pop up.

Nobody but us should have ownership of our money.
Nobody but us should have ownership of our personal data.


Regulations are being enforced and affecting the exchanges. I think it is not the intention of the exchanges to be so swift but the people who make the rules. AKA government intervention. It is about time but indeed definitely should have given users a bit more time to react.

Just like Bittrex did last fall, f*ck all these centralized exchanges!

Not only that, they're slimy as can be about it - no notice, evasive when confronted... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Two things:

Yes, your data should belong to YOU.

Nobody but us should have ownership of our personal data.

Sovrin agrees on this. They've already created a solution to do it. Decentralized. Public, Permissioned. Governed. Nodes all over the world. Live You can see their whitepapers here: www.sovrin.org/library

Yes, it violates the spirit of Crypto to freeze accounts.

Part of me wants to get "into" crypto more, buuuuut stuff like this can happen. Who can you really trust, unless we just stop using fiat? Like, a bunch of us, all at once, on a mass scale? Get rid of the need to transfer the funds to fiat to begin with.

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