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RE: Banning Gasoline and Diesel Vehicle Sales by 2040, France and the UK Lead the Charge

in #pollution7 years ago

Yeah, the free market only works out well when good actors are in the majority. Otherwise, it's a "things work themselves out" and "autocorrect" in ... years and years later from failing and maybe eventually learning from mistakes ... rather than correcting sooner from the will do change. Seeing ahead and not making a bad choice is better than letting a bad choice play ahead. But we get stuck in the rut of the current condition and are slow to change, and that's without the corrupt pressure from the elite agendas to keep us in certain way of living.

I hope free energy is real someday :P Clean up the polluting human path we are on lol.


Free energy and free health care should be the basic human rights we're fighting for!

You can't really have a free market if entrepreneurs are afraid to leave their established jobs because working for someone else is the only way they can afford basic health care. And free energy would unleash a willingness to experiment and innovate that we've never seen before.

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