Are Disagreements Equal Abuses?

in #poll7 years ago (edited)

I need to know your opinion before I rest or push this question.

Many users of Steem think the downvote mechanism is good as how it exist now, and others think different opinions shouldn't affect ones reputation.

Downvote is a punishment where these are equals:

  • Author has "too high" payout
  • Someone posted child porn
  • I don't believe what you say
  • It's plagiarism
  • I don't support whom you support

Blockchain is about consensus, therefore I can accept the result of this poll – even if it will be a yes –, and I could move on.

With this setup, there is a misnaming, though. Reputation should be called Popularity.


Think out of the box when you answer, and don't mix the question with any UI, or even with Steem. You can answer with an upvote or a reply on my YES and NO comments. Also we could discuss it at the comment section.

This is a repost of my SteemPoll question since @steempoll is experimental now and has issues; a test of Busy's editor; continuation of my proposal.


I received my first flag ever for chucking this into the middle of a whale argument over votes and flags and the possible or alleged abuse of leverage:


Flagging is personal. I have only ever issued one and I am glad to say I withdrew it. I would flag again but I would prefer it if a flag had to be accompanied by a reason. Self-policing, as we are, in effect, demands a consensus of behavioural standards. Your list of 'equal' transgressions is clearly a prompt to suggest that child porn deserves a bigger flag than jealousy over payout value. I would agree - but child porn will equally get you ostracised, unfollowed and no votes; self-policing.
Reputation status carries so many ingredients such that a rename, any rename, would be fake.
In summary, @tibonova, thank you for the discussion!! Great post and debate topic; yes to flags but I prefer a reason to be given. Bot flagging should be outlawed. That is just an anti-social behaviour for the lazy and disrespectful.

get you ostracised, unfollowed and no votes; self-policing

Good points, thank you for adding them.

Thoughts on bot flagging?

If the users won't want to separate downvotes from flags, then the "equal" things are true that I've written above, and I don't have problem with bots downvoting then (we would finally set on that, it's a dislike, that everyone can use for everything).

If we would separate them, I would like if the bot runners consider to program them only for downvotes but not flags, or if needed, making continuous flagging unachievable by design (a bot couldn't flag more frequent than a human could after careful reading of the material it flags).

You've helped me to take one step ahead in this question, thanks.

So, you are supporting people to set machines to downvote/flag with no regard as to the content of the post. I can find little community in that! It is leaning into the game theory as opposed to social media. The unpleasant sentiment caused by @asshole over the last few days is something I would like to see banned.
What do you see as the difference between a flag and a downvote? I have only ever used a flag once. I thought that was a downvote!

Flag and downvote is the same now. I made a proposal last week where I've written about how we could separate them, and why we need the separation. I made this poll to see what users think about my main question behind the whole thing (why we need separation), and to see it is actually important for others or it's just my idea and that's why I saw it important. If users don't interested in such a solution, I will accept that what we have now, and loose on my downvote using habits, like flag would be non-existent.

So, do you support flagging/downvoting bots?

I do not oppose bots. It's like alcohol or drugs. Banning is not the solution.

As a user when I was flagged by @asshole and a martyr recently as a counter-measure against my flag, I really don't care if they were live or bot, the effect is the same. When a tool is available to everyone, no one has disadvantages. So that's will be the future, IMO. If someone set up a downvote bot, others will set an upvote bot (just like with @asshole) if they think that the downvote bot do harm. If no one does nothing when someone is attacked, that tells everything about the downvoted user's real reputation.

Reputation status carries so many ingredients

What's the meaning of reputation?
Maybe I didn't know well, but for me it's about respect and disrespect, trust and distrust.

the opinion that people in general have about someone or something, or how much respect or admiration someone or something receives, based on past behaviour or character – Cambridge Dict.

Yes, I didn't know it well, it is not about trust.

It's rather seems like popularity to me.

the fact that something or someone is liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people – Cambridge Dict.

These are very similar to me, so I stand corrected, popularity is a kind of reputation.

Still, Reputation could grow with votes, and getting votes is a popularity contest.

Yes, all very true but 'reputation' means a host of different things on - there are steemit people whom I disrespect because of their behaviour, yet they have a far higher 'reputation' score than me! Reputation here is a measure of the number of votes you have received since you started, as I understand it. So, I see your point about popularity contest. There is, however, as I understand it, no way in which one's 'reputation' standing can go down!
A vote for a post authored by a higher rep person is more likely to do well in the curation stakes and so this has an economic aspect. A vote and comment to a higher rep author might get you a vote back and a follower and so the 'game' is altering the meaning of reputation.
Popularity in the real world is a variable concept. Here it has different ingredients, as opposed to popularity.

Reputation can go down if a higher rep user downvote a lower rep user. If you were downvote me, my reputation would fall based on your SP and the weight%.

why, does it matter what you call a number? :D

Still just calling a value, whatever you name it won't change it or the way it interacts.

I've since fixed my post formatting :D and even when you did make that comment I think I made an edit that got most of that covered.

PS if however, you are asking about separation of downvotes and flags, I might have to agree with you there, flags for abuse(so there are no flag wars because it's ridiculous) and downvotes for reducing payouts/ disagreements(flag wars, ok down wars :D).

Good evening :)

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