Don't vote for phony issues

in #politicsm2 years ago (edited)

23-Year-old Youtube prodigy Jackson Hinkle notes that our two political parties seem to differ only on social (PHONY) issues and that on the major isues that affect people's lives, Americans never seem to have choices.

Phony Issues = Stolen Elections

Stolen elections have consequences. Phony issues like abortion help criminals steal elections.

Right now, we have a total meltdown of US foreign policy. We have a war between Christians and Nazis and the (stolen) US government siding with the Nazis. We have looming shortages of energy and food, serious inflation, a major act of terrorism (Nordstream) committed by a faux-president and a situation in which Germany would declare war on us if she were in position to do that.

Is a phony issue like abortion worth all that?? How good are you going to feel about voting for Slojo Biden over a phony issue this winter when your children are hungry and the store shelves are empty??

Abortion is a phony issue

I wish I had never heard the word " abortion". In decades of observation, all I have ever seen that issue do is get good candidates for public offices defeated by vermin. Such cases seem to range from bad to horrible; one particularly horrible case that sticks in my mind was Ted Dykes being defeated by that super witch Howell for the Virginia state house seat representing Great Falls.

The question you need to ask yourself is " for what?" What does anybody gain from any of this?

Roe/Wade was unquestionably bad law and clearly had to go as it violated separation of powers and the tenth amendment. That leaves States free to enact their own laws on the subject which seems reasonable enough; there is no real reason to have Californians enacting laws for Texas or Texans enacting laws for New York. in particular, nobody is ever going to Outlaw abortion in any of the hard blue States. Worst possible case from a left-of-center viewpoint is that some woman in South Dakota who has to travel to Detroit or New York for abortions more than once or twice , might decide that she would be better off living in Detroit or New York and not come back.

Is that worth sacrificing major issues , war or peace , prosperity or depression , reasonable energy policies or Malthusianism over ?

Likewise for conservatives. Granted abortion should not be an industry in the United States , granted tax money should not be used for such purposes , granted every effort should be made to provide women with alternatives to abortion and, granted. 95% of abortions should not be happening... nonetheless, that other 5% or whatever it is includes cases compelling enough that's there is a question of whether the LAW needs to be written for the 95% or the 5%. There is also the question of women being 51% of all voters , everywhere on Earth.

Requiring rape victims to Bear such children is an obvious formula for political suicide , but the most major problem involves cases of genetic compromise. A century ago when average family size was five, six , or seven children , a Down syndrome child was not the end of the world; in our present age in which average family size may be more like 1.7 or 1.8, a Down syndrome child , particularly as a first child , can mean the end of a family. Again the question , is it worth it ? Nothing creates as much evil in the world as empowering the Democrat Party and, again, there are only two or three issues that actually work for those idiots , abortion being the most major of such.

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