Tracing the world since World War 2! Theory of Bipolar NWO!
Pre 1700s
After the discovery of America in 1400 by Columbus, Christians led the west revolutions. Scientists like Newton, Politicians like Churchill were born in the west.
But nature plays its course and renders every race corrupt with time because of the establishment of organizations for longer period of time. As corruption started spreading in west, crimes also increased. In the pre historic era, there were no crime because of drastic survival conditions. People had chosen to be non-violent and non-rapist. Violence only occurred during selection of new leaders. As population increased, crimes and corruption started spreading in people's lives because human survival started to become easier.
1900s - WAR Era
In 19th century, crimes in the society led to opening of banks in west. Jews and christians were the first ones to create banks. With the creation of banks, currency corruption started. This led to increase in poverty in some european countries like germany and austria. That led to WW1 and WW2 as we know it. There is a real WW2 storyline shown in this series called 'Greatest Story Never Told'.
After the atrocities in WW2, countries which reigned supreme were USA, UK, RUSSIA, CHINA(mongols). They discovered that Middle East Moolahs fought with Hitler. Now to generate profits from ammunitions, it was important to create conflict in middle east. These four countries decided to depopulate middle east by countless wars. On the other side, the mongolian rapists (chinese in allied force) were awarded computer processor fabrication technology in the east, not India not Japan!
2018 - Bipolar New World Order
RUSSIA and CHINA are fighting with ASSAD against USA and UK (also Bonaparte's France) in Syria. In 2018, media is just a weapon of regimes. They portray Russia as enemy of states, but learn who saved moscow in WW2 from nazis, its 'USA' guys. Russia is always with WW2 saviours USA and china. So today the world is shown to be divided in such an equation that is USA UK against RUSSIA CHINA but these are mere two opposite poles of New World Order whose aim is to rule the earth. Fight for oil will not stop, bombing of Syria will not stop because of this NWO, it will continue to rule the planet earth.
Possibly the bipolar NWO will plan a China attack on India and also USA UK RUSSIA will jump over middle east. It may happen that europeans, muslims and hindus are depopulated from the planet earth in a pre-planned World War 3.
What do you think of this eye opening theory guys? Please let me know in comments.
I only poop on tuesdays
I see what you did on your 'Tuesday' .. hahaha