Why Terrorism is a Byproduct of Authority that will eventually cause Planet Wide Extinction without Bitcoin

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Terrorism is a label that really only gained traction sometime in the last 50 years, but the phenomena has existed since the dawn of civilization. This label is increasingly in use over the past couple of decades to describe illegitimate attempts to manipulate politics or control authority. Did you happen to snag on that word “illegitimate”? If so, there’s a very good reason.

I’ll ask another question. Does government actually exist? The answer is no. In the social sciences we call this phenomena of making something out to be real that isn’t, “reification”. Government is a legal fiction that describes what groups of people do to each other. The part that is real, are the people taking on their roles using their “government” card as justification for actions. Many times that action if done by any one of us without “government authority” would be considered criminal. Yet, if that action is cloaked with that legal fiction, it not only is OK, but often is seen as necessary. However, it isn’t. I’m going to show you how you’ve been scammed.

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Back to the issue of legitimacy, it helps if we take an outsiders view of activity on earth as if we were aliens viewing “humanoid ant colonies”. There’s a particular species of ants known as leaf cutter ants that farm fungus and reside between Brazil and Mexico. There’s another species of ant known as the red fire ant that exists in the southern USA and desert southwest. But one species of ant has spread out over the whole planet due to the fact that genus camponotus of Russia suffered colony collapse in 1992. This allowed solenopsis invicta to overrun the entire world by spreading democracy.

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There are approximately 1000 ant hills distributed around the world that have allegiance to solenopsis invicta and cluster these bases mostly around the borders of countries in the middle east, Russia and the Pacific. The queen of their colony is in the UK, but she has supposedly delegated authority and responsibility to solenopsis invicta.

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Is there inherently any difference of goodness between these species? If we measure the amount of violence by the number of bombs dropped, the species solenopsis invicta is clearly the most malevolent. Yet solenopsis invicta claims that if it just has more regulation and control, that all of the terrorism will stop or be kept under control.

However, recently the species Cardiocondyla (Pakistan) successfullly went from terrorist species to legitimized nuclear power. Another species in North Korea is about to receive “legitimacy” by belonging to the club of “if you strike us, everybody dies”.

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Lets talk about bees. They’re a very threatening species, especially if you suffer from anaphylactic shock if you get stung. If you can regard their stinger as a form of terrorism or threat that must be dealt with, you might do a preemptive strike. This is what solenopsis invicta believes is the right course of action, so they swat that bees nest to demonstrate that they have the power to kill as a “deterrent”.

What happens next? You guessed it. Instead of preventing terrorism, it actually makes the situation worse. Lets take it back to the human level. Imagine someone who lives in Palestine and is a father of three children. Israeli soldiers kill his wife and 3 children, but he survives. He feels like committing suicide because he’s lost all meaning to live. Then someone affiliated with Hamas offers him a chance to kill those responsible for killing his family. Obviously, this father of a now extinct family has nothing else to live for, and a new mission.

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Has solenopsis invicta reduced terrorism or actually increased it? The only way to truly reduce terrorism by using violence, is to make sure that the species is extinct. The use of power has to be so great, that nobody is left behind to survive. To reduce terrorism is to create mass death because anything short of mass death only increases terror.

Centralization vs Decentralization

These terms are actually common concepts related to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but they exist in nature as well. An ant colony is highly centralized, where power and authority is concentrated in the queen of the colony. Together through cooperation they can create great ant hills and promote progress throughout the world, but they say that all these other ants are "standing in the way of progress".

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Centralization and decentralization is also known by the ideas of “good vs evil”, “white vs black”, “Same and Other”, “Monad and Dyad” (one vs many), “the lights vs Saturn”, etc… Authority tends to be highly centralized which is why it’s prone to failure. The species solenopsis invictus is subject to colony collapse disorder because of this. The key to avoiding this collapse is to avoid centralization which is a single point of failure that can take down an entire network. In distributed systems, there is no single point of failure because redundancy exists. If one node fails, another one takes its place.

The answer that authority gives us is “trust us”, but this is the wrong answer. Nobody is worthy of holding the “nuclear football”. If a single point of failure exists, then eventually that red button will be pushed. It’s only a matter of time. However if you distribute risk, by requiring the signatures of a large number of people for that red button to be pushed, the odds that it is ever pushed will quickly reach zero. This scenario explains the process…

(source - Star Trek “Let that be your last Battlefield”)

Imagine that if instead of 3 signatures, that the signatures of everyone on the planet would be required. Would not this be the much safer course? But we put that trust in a very small number of people who for whatever reason might be convinced that it’s in their selfish advantage to push that button (but to hell with everyone else). Nature has proven the superiority of distribution over centralization for long term survival.

Concurrent Trends of Centralization

Centralization of authority doesn't happen in isolation. There have been some other trends that have reinforced the problem. One is concentration of wealth into the hands of the few. The greatest cause for this wealth redistribution towards top heaviness is the concept of unlimited money. When a few people are legally allowed to create their own national fiat currency, the inevitable result is that they print up all they want for themselves and pass off the debt onto everyone else. In all of human history, there has never been an exception to this.

Satoshi Nakamoto understood the problem of centralization and solved it uniquely for the first time without the use of central authority. He managed to create consensus by distributing risk instead of appealing to authority. He let the laws of mathematics be in control which have governed the universe reliably for billions of years instead of the whims of authority which change daily and fail us completely at a minimum of every few hundred years. Authority has been rendered obsolete since the invention of bitcoin.

The Future Con-Game Ahead

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The average person is incapable of affecting change away from centralization with the vote. That is nothing but a placebo that says change is whether you want white on the right side or white on the left side of your face. Neither of these choices renders authority unable to do massive damage. But they will tell you that the reason for the financial failures of governments around the world is because bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies exist and provide an exit.

They will continue to use terrorism as an excuse to force everyone into their paradigm of the system of control aspect of money, the law enforcement aspect of money, also known as KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti Money Laundering). These laws are worse than useless according to Andreas Antonopoulos because not only do they not stop terrorism, they actually enhance it.

The key to stopping terror, is to distribute risk, distribute wealth and force authority into the paradigm of limited money. They've had decades to prove themselves in this regard and they failed. In fact the opposite of what they say is true because the more power they get, the worse terror becomes.

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