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RE: Why Is The World Trashing Trump

in #politics7 years ago

Oh, you want me to go over point by point all of the lies:
Sure. I am bored anyway:

Lie #1: " I think he gives many of us hope that he can drain the swamp and make America a better place before it's too late. "

Trump has hired so many Goldman Sachs employees that it is a problem for the firm:

Betsy DeVos literally bought her cabinet position:

Fact checked true by Snoopes:

Lie #2 (and also a bit racist btw): "Before the globalist turn us into another Europe, open our borders and flood us with migrants and chaos. Order out of Chaos is one of globalist occult motto's."

Migration is literally what built the USA. Furthermore, migrants help build the economy. 40% of the S&P were founded by immigrants:

Immigration is the biggest job creator in the USA:

Immigrants also commit crimes at lower rates:

Lie #3 Now it's obvious that Donald Trump is not paid for or controlled by crooked globalists that want to take over our country.

He literally took a chest full of gold from Saudi Arabia in exchange for an increase in weapons deals. A FUCKING CHEST OF GOLD. Among other items. BTW this is unconstitutional and no other President has received a monetary gift and kept them for themselves.

He also takes bribes the old fashion way: Through his businesses:

(Also unconstitutional)

Lie#4 Basically this entire paragraph:
Barack Obama was a great con man. A very good speaker with lots of charm. he knew how to put on a great show and make everyone watching believe him. but as he was trying to make Americans believe that he was bringing us together in actuality he was driving a wedge between us.... socialist hell hole like Venezuela.

I want to focus on 2 parts, 1 the dividing part (especially vs Trump) and the capitalism v socialism part.

First off Obama's ratings today are: 60/40

Last time I checked, 60% is a majority. So, if anything he united the country together. Meanwhile Trump hovers between 30% to 40%

So, either he is further dividing the country, or uniting the country against him.

Secondly, the thought that Obama wanted socialism is hilarious considering how well he helped capitalism flourish over his 8 years. I mean, unless he just sucked at his job. I guess you could say he tried really hard for socialism and just failed so hard that capitalism worked. Under Obama, the S&P had one of the longest and most profitable bull markets in US history.

Lie#5 " ... but the “fake news” will tell you that he is a racist and that he doesn’t care about minorities.."

If you don't think that Donald Trump is a racist after 1 year of publicly saying and doing the most racist things since the walk of tears, you are probably racist. And, well, "he hasn't committed genocide" is a poor indicator against racism.
Here is the extensive list (, but the highlights include calling the Content of Africa full of shithole countries while praising the country of Norway, calling immigrants rapists and murders despite having lower rates of crime than the general population and equating Nazis and counter Nazi protesters are morally equal.

Lie #6 "The stock market has been great. Compared to 8 years of Barack Obama with a stagnant and sometimes declining economy, Trump has done more for our economy in one year compared to Obama's 8 year term."

This is the largest lie I have ever read. It is so far from the truth that my head exploded when I read it.
Trump ranks 6th (still pretty good to be fair) behind both Obama and Clinton in market performance:

Secondly, this is what the stock market looked like under obama:
dow jones 10 years.PNG

Lie #7 "Donald Trump is apparently still a Russian spy but they have no proof after over a year of Investigation."

Look, I'm not in the FBI, so I don't know what info they have. But, I will say this. There is plenty of public evidence that Trump is colluding with Russia. Now, I don't think that it amounts to removal from office yet, but to say that there is no evidence after a year is laughable. Here is the public information avialible today:
Donald Trump is apparently still a Russian spy but they have no proof after over a year of Investigation:

Furthermore, don't forget that Trump has already been convicted of laundering money for the Russians, so let's not pretend it is out of the question:

When you have to lie to defend your position, may be you should rethink your posistion


Those are not sources those are as real as the pee pee documents

You have no sources. So, pee pee documents are more real than pretend nothing.

From the guy with a you tube channel about driving uber

You sound like Adam Schiff. Your mouth runs like a sick chickens ass and all that comes out is ?

The Joke is on You for sure if you believe this s*** that you just posted. You just wasted all that time putting up all these fake news articles. Get a clue bro

cool story bro.

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