The American People Are Being Distracted, If They Only Knew - Episode 1284b

in #politics7 years ago

The deep state will continue to drip fake news about the investigation to brainwash the public to have Trump either resign or have him impeached. Rosenstein reports that this is not a criminal investigation and the Senate should stop their investigations. Trump is opening an investigation in data sharing during cyber attacks. USS Ronald Reagan is allegedly sailing towards NK. Mattis says there needs to be a diplomatic solution. NK reaches out for a talks with the US. Russia and Syria tell the US it was illegal it fire upon the Syrian troops. The deep state is continually keeping the American public busy with nonsense while Trump is making deals to remove the old globalist system, collapse the system and build a new system by having trade with other countries.


I am following you on Steemit to get the feed alerts. I now listen to you on Steemit instead of YouTube. Go Steemit!

Get ready everyone. Food, Water, Weapons, Gold/Silver etc.

Good Work Dave,
I've followed you over to Steemit, in the hope of hearing you and others like Seán (Irish Spelling) at SGT be allowed to speak freely.

I discovered your site in early 2016 and since then you have given me a much greater understanding of finance and geopolitics.

Through your spotlight, I have discovered many other interesting commentators.

I have spent over 50 years drinking the cool aid and not understanding why it tasted sour.

Thanks for putting the jigsaw puzzle together for us all Dave.


It's sad that the majority of the world has no idea what is happening behind the scenes, they see 15 seconds of CNN and think they know whats going on. Trump is fighting the globalists and they are using their influence over the media to push a false narrative. It's so obvious how biased they are, I thought people would have woken up by now. NOPE

I really like this website and am happy you are on it. What you could possibly do is for the news flash is write it as a blog post. I'd imagine it'd take less time. Thanks for the report, Dave!

People have no idea how deceived they are ..
That EVERYTHING they see ... EVERYTHING on Tv is FAKE!!
Just Watch this short clip where both CNN and MSNBC do the impossible FAKE NEWS!
"CNN and MSNBC Caught Using Same “LIVE” Guest at Same Time Doing Different Interviews!!"

The system is designed to collapse in cycles of 7-10 years by adding debt, people we are at the expiry time line so thanks Dave on doing what is right and alerting people to this historical fact. This crash will be biblical and I am afraid the masses once again are asleep. A wealth transfer a magnitude that the world has never seen before will occur sooner than we all think and I believe it will be sudden!

i think you're a smart guy. if i may say so.

tell you another one. These "firings" are an early excuse to allow some to go into their hiding places.
Others will be left holding the bag for the masses.

here is the problem with the reality you face. They don't care anymore. It is no longer "Cost Productive/Effective" to try & fool you with expensive sets etc. Those that are "awake" so to speak, were the battery the economies were run upon. Now that that's gone

Do you think the special counsel will drift into the Clinton emails?

Thanks for posting this Dave!

I am happy to be a new follower.

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