Are You Looking Forward To The Royal Wedding?

in #politics7 years ago

The Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Marklee is due to take place on 19 May 2018 at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. Its going to be a marvelous event full of the magical traditions that come with a Royal wedding, I’m so exited! The bride is gorgeous and she has found her Prince Charming in Harry.

I’m guessing that if you have ever read anything I have ever written about the Royal Family you know I’m being sarcastic. Fuck the Royal Wedding, how money is this shit costing? At a time of poverty, benefit sanctions and the NHS falling apart surely there is better things to spend money on then a royal wedding. They want to remove the homeless from the streets of London so that London does not come across as the absolute hellhole it is (for the most part.)

Why don’t the government stop extorting people that have nothing and stop all public funding of the Royals and their incestuous weddings? “The vast majority of Britons support the Royals” they constantly tell us. Like they told us Theresa May was going to win by a landslide, Briton will vote NO on Brexit and Donald Trump has no chance of winning the US election.

The newspapers will present this even like its something that bonds the nation together it actually does the opposite. There maybe millions of people across the nation that are exited about this event but there are also millions that do not give a single fuck about the Royal wedding. It symbolizes everything that is wrong with this country and indeed the world.

I believe its time to put an end to the silly tradition the UK has of worshiping the obscenely rich, greedy and corrupt.

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