in #politics6 years ago (edited)



"Let us let go of our yearning for prosperity, our love in war, and our desire to see a Government formed of our fellow citizens. Let us understand that it is much better to live in a world of imperfect rather than live in a world ruled by the lowly people who ruled through force and intimidation. ** "-Ron Paul**

I want honest Talk honestly, what it is, I do not want to deny the conscience. Why the truth no longer wanted? Already not important is for the people of this country? Whether the truth of living words and promises ...
The revolution clearly called out, but Evolution replied.
Freedom is our future and time to hug him right now.
freedom where you are free to specify your own life, but the freedom that accompanied the awareness about the consequences of the choice of your life. In short, the freedom of responsible!
The revolution clearly called out, but Evolution replied.
Freedom is our future and time to hug him right now.

Democracy always requires freedom of speech. In that condition, criticism and appreciation are always flowing like a river in public spaces.

Direct immediately register yourself to join in the event.
Omaha's Roads To Freedom Unconvention is the eventwhich focused on spreading the message of freedom with the pre-eminent speakers who are very experienced in liberty.




Serves as a member of the U.S. House of representatives who are influential, representing the districts kongresional of the 14th and the 22nd in Texas, one each for several years. He was a three-time presidential candidate, as well as a best-selling writer and doctor.



Larry Sharpe is a native of New York who was born in New York City. He is the Managing Partner of the Neo-Sage forums, online resource for professional training.
He provides training, coaching and consulting in many industries including: finance, legal, technology, media, retail, real estate, luxury, Government and health care. He has coached and trained hundreds of entrepreneurs, executives, leaders, lawyers, and representatives from dozens of companies around the world.



Senator Laura Ebke was a Libertarian State Senator in Nebraska Legislative District representing-to-32. Senators elected Libertarian officials Ebke highest in the country. He sought re-election in 2018.



Dr. Mary j. Ruwart is a scientist researchers, ethicists, and author/activist libertarian. He received his BS in biochemistry in 1970 and his Ph.d. in Biophysics in 1974 (both from Michigan State University). He then joined the Department of Surgery at the University of St. Louis and left Assistant Professor there to accept a position with the company Upjohn of Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1976. As the senior researcher scientist, Dr. Ruwart was involved in the development of new therapies for numerous diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver and AIDS.



Carla Howell served as Political Director for the Libertarian National Committee. Before joining the staff in December 2011, he fought for the three initiatives on the State ballot in Massachusetts to cut taxes: two to end the income tax ( "question 1 ") in the years 2002 and 2008 supported by the Wall Street Journal, Steve Forbes and the National tax payers and one in 2010 to roll back the Massachusetts sales tax from 6.25% to 3% ( "question 3 "). Any initiative won almost a million votes.



Dr. Lee Hieb grew up in Iowa where he went on to call home with his father. He is an orthopedic surgeon and was never involved in politics until her private solo practice started and castrated by Medicare and other Government's scheme. Since then he has published many articles in Human Events and World Net Daily, making the case for private free market medicine.



Dr. Kyle Varner was a doctor in the hospital and an expert in health care policy. A proponent of vigorous health care freedom, he used his knowledge of the people in America about health care to show how central planning and Government intervention has led to skyrocketing prices and a bad quality care. A member of the Libertarian Party since 1999, Dr. Varner is dedicated to advancing the cause of liberty health care. Varner will be instrumental to the architect of Henry David Thoreau, the Think Tank of the core components of the Roads to Freedom Foundation.



C. Michael Pickens has trained many candidates to record local and victory total votes. She has been a volunteer in the campaign and Libertarian party leadership every year since 2011. He is the author of the book the Libertarian Leader, founder of the Libertarian Leadership Academy, a former Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of California, and former Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Washington.



Austin Petersen is the owner and publisher of the Libertarian Republican, a news magazine featuring free-market libertarians, conservatives, and independents. He is also the CEO of Stonegait LLC, a non-profit in the struggle for freedom. Austin ran to the Libertarian presidential nomination in 2016 and is currently running for the U.S. Senate in Missouri as a Republican.



StarChild is a original pansexual from San Francisco Bay area activists and pro-long freedom currently serving his second term as representative of the great Libertarian National Committee, where the Starchild was advocating for transparency, underground party by members of radical liberalism, and that no compromise in the fight against the country's aggression and other forms of authoritarian control.



Yuri Maltsev, Libertarian International Ambassador, Austria's economic guru and the perfect story teller about life in Russia during the era of Gorbachev's Perestroika and Stalin. Among the many citations that can be quoted Yuri, she is widely known because of the motto of the poignant and telling that is relevant to all American Libertarians: "I am too old for AWOL again. "



Lauren Daugherty served as head of Development for the national Libertarian Party. He previously served as Executive Director for the Libertarian Party of Texas.

Lauren is currently running for Office as a Libertarian in Texas. She lives with her husband and two young children in Central Texas.



Robin Koerner is a political and economic commentator for the Huffington Post, a network of Independent Voters, and other outlets. Robin is perhaps best known for creating the term's "Blue Republic " to refer to Liberals and independents who joined the GOP bid to support Ron Paul for the Presidency in 2012.



As an Iraq war veteran decorated, Kokesh come to belittle the war and advocated nonviolent resistance against the Dominion. Identifies as a Libertarian, Kokesh has called for a new American Revolution " " and has announced plans to run for President in 2020 on platform "the dissolution of the federal Government's code of conduct. " book FREEDOM 2014- her! outlining his philosophy and beliefs.



Caryn Ann Harlos today are representatives of region 1 (representing Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Montana, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming) on the Libertarian National Committee, Communications Director of the Libertarian Party of Colorado, Chairman of the Libertarian Party The Committee's history, and also held positions at a dozen other committees. He was a productive volunteers with a focus on the education of party members and internal document the history of the party.



Joshua Smith is Founder Together Think of Liberty, news outlets and the media United in a common goal to promote individualism, peace, and freedom. He's running for State House in Washington and ran as the Libertarian Party Chairman in 2018.



Alex Merced is a fresh young optimistic voice in a sea of pessimism currently in politics and economics. His message is one of empowering the individual to solve the biggest challenge this time through the enterprise, innovation, and voluntary cooperation.



Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania became the Chairman had taught him that the ego has no place in politics. The fact is that if someone wants to accomplish anything, politically, there needs to be confidence in the people. He has worked (with some success) to unite the various factions in the party while making various projects become a reality. For example, he brought Gay activists and Muslims together to form "people Against Violent Initiation " behind the Shooting Orlando in June 2016.



Owen Benjamin is an American comedian and actor. My first television appearance was a cast member of the show Punk. From there, Adam Sandler memasukkanku into, "now kusebutkan you chuck and Larry," "The House Bunny," "Jack and Jill, and" "Born to be a Star." I have had 9 appearances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Fallon, Inside Amy Schumer, Nick Swardson's Time Pretend, and "Soul Man."



Darryl w. Perry has spent most of his adult life as an advocate for peace and activist & freedom.
Darryl is an author, Publisher, and radio/TV Award winners. He is a regular contributor to several newspapers weekly and monthly. He became the host of a daily news broadcasts, some podcasts, and a regular co-host on Free Talk Live.





Ruth graduated with a degree in business with a major in accounting, economics, and finance from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. He has worked in the Ministry of finance and accounts receivable. Ruth joined the team Purely Avian in 2013. He handles the mail room, accounting, human resources, and engage in daily operations. Ruth serves as Lead Facilitator, Link, Secretary, and Rep. links in many circles in Pure Poultry.



Tyler Danke comes from Fremont St, Fremont Wisconsin. He ran as the Guardian Council where he will put the FREE in Fremont. He is the owner of pure poultry, in which he is eager to create a healthy organization mainly uses Holacracy, organizational operating system built on the principles of freedom of empowering people to make decisions that means in pursuit of the goals of your organization.



Erin Adams was a libertarian activist and supporter of long lifetime for self ownership and free markets. A Veteran, he has always been a proponent of community service and community involvement are actively involved in local and national activism.

In the year 2016, Erin to Oklahoma State House Legislative District 33 on Libertarian Party tickets and the only candidate to have a campaign staff full, consistent presence and relationship with the media, and many opportunities to share our message about free markets and free minds for a large audience. In addition to his campaign himself, Erin also was the Director of the Regional Field, Coordinator of the National Outreach Events, and for a while, Director of Oklahoma State to campaign for Johnson/Weld 2016.



Daniel Fishman is a candidate for the position of Auditor of State in Massachusetts. And also the Director of the Libertarian Party of Massachusetts Politics. And is the Director of Weld's Campaign in the East North East at 2016.
And first ran as a Libertarian in 2012 for the U.S. Congress, where he ~ 17000 votes over 4 times the margin of victory in the MA6.



Mary's daughter Margo is a Motivational Speaker and Life Coach. He has spent many years being a writer, producer, actor, stand up comedian. He is a member of the Libertarian Party and work with Rex Lawhorn to campaign for Governor of Oklahoma.



Treasurer of the Libertarian Party in the territory of Scottsbluff. 2017-now.
Scottsbluff Ne.

Cryptocurrency (Blockchain Technology) Enthusiast and dabbler.



Dr. Thomas Krannawitter, President of Speakeasy Ideas, combining in-depth knowledge about the history of politics and economics, an insatiable desire to learn, and an extraordinary gift to teach the great ideas that have been pushing freedom and human progress.

He has a Ph.d. in political science from Claremont Graduate University, who specializes in American political thought, political philosophy, and classical political economy.

He has taught at Claremont McKenna College, Hillsdale College, and George Mason University, among other places. He is one of the main instructors for the leadership Program of the Rockies, based in Colorado, and he often advises business and charitable organization of communication, development, and strategy.



Charles Bens, Ph.d. is the founder of Healthy at Work, a health company that helps employees to be healthier to follow the principles of Functional Medicine. His company provides workshops, webinars, articles, newsletters, books and training services, as well as a health plan and a system of the measurement of ROI. Recently Dr. Bens adds Artificial Intelligence platform, based on Functional Medicine to its list of services. This platform is the only technology that able to reduce health care costs each year by as much as 15%. Natural science-based approaches for the prevention and reversal of chronic diseases is safer, more effective and cheaper than a health improvement program available.



Tommy l. Garrett is a small businessman, a retired air force Colonel, a former Nebraska State Senator, and a lover of Liberty & American Ideals.

Colonel Garrett was born at Keesler air force base in Biloxi, Mississippi and has lived all over the world.

Colonel Garrett following the footsteps of his father who had died serving his country by joining United States Air Force (USAF) where he held many command post.
Colonel Garrett serving his country in the first Gulf war and later served in the Pentagon as a military commander and Chief of operations in the National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) maintains a 24-hour support to the national military Joint Intelligence Center ( NMJIC) while maintaining the intelligence support to the air force Chief of staff and Secretary of the air force.



The way Nicholas Veser to movement of freedom not through lectures. The experience of her life takes her on a journey that is now seen as a moral imperative. After receiving a full theatre scholarship to West Virginia University he left college without graduating from shear boredom. While he later refer to that decision as a mistake, he used it as inspiration to never let the stereotypical labels that are placed on the college dropout to be true to her. He first found a way to succeed in business while working part time and work for business travel Sales Director for Ritz-Carlton Battery Park in Manhattan at the age of 22 years. But boredom strikes again, and he left sooner than his meteoric rise in the industry. Looking for a change, he moved to South Florida to begin again. With an acting background he immediately attracted to the television industry in which he once again achieved extraordinary success during a career that includes 11 years.



Jeff Kanter, a graduate of Syracuse University, has spent the last twenty-five years helping individuals and businesses navigate the world of freedom and health insurance.
As a serial entrepreneur, he saw an opportunity to put libertarian ideals into action with the start of the affordable Care Act and co-founded Health Excellence because of the direction the country will take the ACA that's very troubling. In essence, the mission is allow doctors and patients to connect directly and take back control of the health world of third-party interference.

This fits in well with indigenous philosophical and continues to skew among activists who advocate privacy on all fronts. No stranger to politics he was the Manager of the campaign for the presidential campaign of Libertarian Irwin Schiff in 1996.

Now he's ready to help save the world from itself and health rush headed to Single Payer.



Naomi Lopez Bauman, Director of health policy for the Goldwater Institute. He most recently served as Director of research and Director of health policy at the Illinois Policy Institute. During his tenure, he also served on the Executive Committee for a task force of health and Human Services Representatives (ALEC). Lopez Bauman also previously worked as a consultant on public policy that does research on health care program federal and State, social and economic welfare, reform of pension, health and welfare programs Federal and State, obstacles to entrepreneurship, and tax expenditure programs.



Larry r. Bradley intends to demonstrate to voters why the system of two parties we don't work — and an alternative system which we need as a replacement.

Are you one of the majority of voters, Independents, Democrats, Republicans, or a member of a third party who studies show are not satisfied with the two-party system and the options and set it to give you? Articles about dissatisfaction rarely identify the cause or improvements are possible. Just in time for the election of 2018, Larry will show you the true cause of Your dissatisfaction and electoral reform (many of whom have championed) which will restore the average voter's influence over the House of financial, the theocrats and the money. This is a pragmatic reform, with the information to be provided by Larry, you can help make it happen.



Nick Wolff is a writer, consultant, educator, and speaker that can help your team performs critical conversations to generate explosive success. Delivered with passion and sincerity, the presentation Nick intended to bring a change of paradigm by introducing audiences to new ideas and inspire them to win. Nick gives a playful approach, based on the game to teach people about your business and success. The game Mogul teaches entrepreneurial mindset and business decision-making. In addition, he developed a strong assessment that helps individuals explore their values — which leads to a strong insight into themselves and their workplace.



Michael has been a Libertarian's active volunteer for 8 years, and has twice run for Office. He is currently Chairman of the State Libertarian Party to Nebraska. He has a background in investment, trading strategies, and anti-money laundering. When he's not running a Spartan Races, he read books to his two Twins Tuttle and educate them on the principles of the free market



Born in 1953, Jeff Hewitt is a native of Southern California with a b.s. in biology. He has been an instinct, common sense, pragmatic libertarian all his life, libertarian candidate after choosing and libertarian-leaning since the age of 18 years. His experience during more than 30 years running the pool construction business have given him grounded approach. to manage through building a consensus among his colleagues in the various local Government Council and the Council of the city of Calimesa, where she had to apply libertarian principles and is currently serving a third consecutive term as Mayor .



Scott Zimmerman is a Certified Master educator and former Chairman of the Nebraska Libertarians who are two years old. Scott has been a key player in the Liberty movement for 20 years, serving as a consultant to the campaign for some candidates, most recently Senator Laura Ebke and Libertarian Candidate Senator Jim Schulz.



Cliff Maloney is President of the National young Americans for Liberty, a libertarian activist organization with more than 900 chapters on college campuses of America. YAL's mission is to identify, educate, train and mobilize youth activists who are committed to winning the principle. Before YAL, Cliff served as national youth Director for the presidential campaign of Paul Rand. She worked for Congressman Ron Paul on Capitol Hill in 2011 and 2012. He has built a program of knocking on the door for more than 40 campaign, including a dog catcher, State representatives, state senators, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. Senate.



Eric July is a musician and activist from Dallas, Tx. Although his first love was sports, he directs his attention to music after being a track and field athlete at Texas A M University-& Corpus Christi. He is the former frontman of Fire From The Gods, and is currently the frontman for the metal band, BackWordz. After becoming part of some subcultures from affiliate gangs to punk rock, he stressed the importance of culture and its influence on the individual. Since moving from the left at the start of 2010, Eric has been a libertarian who is very vocal and passionate that has appeared in various forms of media, from Fox News ' Fox & Friends to The Blaze. In 2015, he co-founded Being Libertarians and became head of Multimedia at this time for that platform.



Jeffrey Graham is the founder and CEO of Token organic, project cryptocurrency focuses on bridges the gap between technology and Blockchain the health and fitness industry.

Jeffrey graduated with a Bachelor's degree in education and was an educator as well as a foreign language translator for several years.

Jeffrey is no stranger to the libertarian ideas free from the matrix. He was homeschooled by his parents and taught the importance of eating healthy foods and holistic approach to health and healing. His appreciation for technology and economic reforms is what recently motivated him to launch the project organic token.



I grew up in Palos Verdes, California. My father was chief engineer in charge of designing the Rockwell B-1 bomber. I was named after my Great-grandfather, who helped design and build the capital in Austin, Texas. I'm a Veteran, and graduated with a BA in psychology from Humboldt State University. Currently, I live in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

In 1995, I sold telecommunications company in Seattle and moved with my family to Kailua Kona, Hawaii. We buy real estate, and building our dream home with a view of the main surf spots along the coast of Kona. For 20 years I was lucky to have the freedom to pursue my creativity with my music, acrylic painting and oil



In 2010, during the establishment of the Thiel Fellowship, Danielle joined forces to lead the design and operation. He was a visionary behind the Summit series Thiel has been attended by approximately 2,000 young entrepreneurs. Before working with Peter Thiel, Danielle founded and directs Innovations Academy in San Diego, a K-8 Charter School that serves 350 students, with a focus on project-based learning, student-led and other alternative programs.



Arvin Vohra is the Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee. He is also an entrepreneur, who founded the education program the education Method Vohra free markets, which focuses on individual learning through the classroom online. He has written several books, including Why Hillary Lost and The Equation for Excellence, last published in the United States and China.

He has run for Office several times as a Libertarian, and eager to end all government involvement in education.



I entered Pratama Republic 15 may for the U.S. Senate because our national debt is a huge and out of control that are ignored by the incumbent, Deb Fischer. In fact, she just chose to make debts worse than it already is. New tax legislation, which has some good individual provisions, will improve our debt amounting to $1 trillion over the next decade, even after new growth are taken into account. The new two-year budget, in which it supports the overall spending limit, would increase the debt by an additional $1 trillion over the next decade


Life has intrinsic value that is valuable for individuals. The right to life is one of the most fundamental Freedoms tenant.


You should have the freedom to make your own decisions. Do not set up by the Government to make a choice.


Our Government likes to tell us what to do with our property through taxation and regulation. Limiting government control over our property is very important for freedom.


The only people that most know about you is you. You have the right to do whatever makes you happy as long as it does not violate the rights of other individuals.


Immediately register yourself in an event ROAD TO FREEDOM UNCONVENTION
and deepen your knowledge of the Message of freedom through an experienced, experienced resource person who will lead you to enlightenment.

"Those who stop learning will become owners of the past. Those who continue to learn, and deepen the knowledge will become the future owners of the unending path"

-> Thanks for visiting and interesting comments ->

@wiralhokseumawe By :

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