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RE: State Medical Care Coming to the USA, People Flee to Mexico

in #politics7 years ago

Mexico is one of the places we're looking to retire to. Regarding "healthcare," there is no healthcare in the mainstream medical system here in the US. It's sick care. Nobody is cured of anything. People are put on pills/drugs for life and told to "manage" their disease. Then they're put on more drugs to "manage" the side effects of the original drugs. Everyone is so (prescription) drugged here, it's criminal. And, they're allowed to drive on the roads with all those drugs in their bodies. Pharmaceutical corporations and chemical corporations in conjunctin with junk food companies including the meat and dairy industries run America and make damn sure people stay diseased.

The people here need to be accountable, too. Why do they willingly pop all those pills? Why do they medicate their children? Why do they listen to doctors who are puppets for the pharmaceutical industry instead of doing their own research? I wonder if that complacency, that willingness to give up one's own power over their health, is pervasive in America only?


I hear ya. My father was, in effect, euthanized in a hospital in California simply because they didn't want to deal with his illness, Clostridium Difficile Colitis, which is curable, but nonetheless, curable. While he was in a medically induced comatic state (morphine, and more and more morphine), they simply stopped feeding him and giving him fluids. That's how they killed him, murdered him.

I'm sorry to hear that. It's terrible. The only way I can make sense of these things is that they happened for us to learn from or to wake us up. But, that's not so easy to see or feel in the beginning after the tragedy happens.

Yep, the objective is to make as much money out of you before you die. They don't care about your quality of life or how long you live either.

Their goal seems to want to destroy our quality of life! They don't want people living long lives. Then, they'd have to pay them social security for too long. That's why they keep scaring old people into getting the flu and pneumonia vaccines.

My father has heart problems. They've billed him thousands of dollars for surgery, etc. but not one doctor has talked to him about changing his diet. He keeps having heart problems. I wonder why.

My mother got cancer, and they did the typical chemo treatment that killed her. Her doctor wouldn't even allow her to take vitamin C with rose hips. She keep eating her high table sugar diet until the end though.

There's no money to be made off healthy people.

Chemo and radiation killed my mom, too. She died about 3 and half years ago and, I'm sure you can relate, life is forever changed. We can teach those who will listen.

My mom's oncologist would not "allow" vitamin C or medical marijuana. My mom basically starved to death because the chemo killed her appetite. I know marijuana would have helped her. Neither she nor my dad pushed the issue with the oncologist. They just listened to him, thought he knew best. I don't know how these oncologists live with themselves because they know that chemo and radiation is killing people. On top of that, they get kick-backs for prescribing chemo. It's insane.

I know you that you know if the doctors told your dad how to eat healthfully (I don't even think most doctors know what true nutrition is) then they would make no money performing surgeries. Like you said, there is no money in healthy people.

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