Kavanaugh Hearing Could Wreck Chances Of Democrats In 2020

in #politics6 years ago

Everything in politics right now is about Trump. Are you on team Trump or against him? Every Democrat seems completely against him right now and that has spread to the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination. 


The biggest challenge is, a couple on the Senate Judiciary Committee are 2020 presidential hopefuls. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has interrupted the start of the hearings, done TV appearances and even walked out at one point. She grilled Kavanaugh and she is one of the top four front-runners for the Democrats in 2020. 

If Kavanaugh is cleared in the FBI investigation and confirmed, then all of her effort will amount to nothing now and could damage her in 2020. Her efforts have won her some fans among liberals, but her actions during the confirmation hearings did not win over any independents and Republicans. 

Same thing for Corey Booker (D-NJ). He got up and walked out of the hearings in protest.

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He is another 2020 hopeful that showed lack of leadership during the confirmation. Again, if Kavanaugh is confirmed, then his credibility will fall with Independents and Republicans. 

If a Democrat wants to beat Trump in 2020, they are going to have to pull some Independents and Republicans to their side. Much like Obama did in 2008 and 2012. 

The Kavanaugh hearing have been a disaster for both parties, but ultimately a confirmation for Kavanaugh will go a long way towards helping Republicans hold on to the Senate and possibly the House in the midterms in November. A Kavanaugh confirmation will go a long way in solidifying Trump's power and give him a much better chance of winning in 2020. At least better than Harris and Booker.

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear them.

Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.


Booker is a real piece of work when he himself is guilty of crimes himself
after admitedly trying to take advantage of a drunk girl at a party. I hope this backfires in the Dems face so god damn hard.

lol, he is an interesting guy for sure. lol Hope you are doing well chassis.

Just looking at the house and especially the senate polling over the past week it looks like people are somewhat disgusted by this tactic. Republicans got a big bump in the polls and Trump himself got a bump as well. Either it's from the Kavanaugh smear or the numerous positive economic reports. I think anyone with a shred of intellect, left or independent can see through this. It's one thing to talk down on President Trump who (let's be honest) has a way of opening himself up to it sometimes but quite another to smear a man who truly deserves the exact opposite. When I watched the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing I texted my Dad and told him that we just saw the Republicans keep the house and increase the lead in the Senate. The Canada deal helped confirm and I have a hunch that China will come to the table within the next month and seal the deal.

Great comment. I'm not as confident about Republicans keeping house but we have a month to go. We'll see. That is interesting about China.I hope they come to the table. Thanks for the great reply. You got a new follower.

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