Should Al Franken Resign?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

On Thursday morning, Los Angeles radio host Leeann Tweeden wrote a disturbing article alleging that Sen. Al Franken sexually harassed her on a 2006 USO tour. According to Tweeden, Franken coerced her into “rehearsing” a kiss for a skit, then forcefully stuck his tongue in her mouth. She also provided a photograph of Franken appearing to grope her while she slept.

There is no rational reason to doubt the truth of Tweeden’s accusations, no legitimate defense of Franken’s actions, and no ambiguity here at all: Franken should resign from the Senate immediately. Democrats should call for him to step down straightaway. This revelation is a test of the Democratic Party’s consistency, honesty, and decency. If Democrats wish to preserve whatever moral standing they have today, they must exhort Franken to leave the Senate, with no hesitation or reservations.

Franken is now damaged goods and has been destroyed in the court of public opinion with this damaging story and photo.

Did the 'good guys' in government force this story out to the public in retaliation for Franken wanting social media sites to crack down on alternative news or maybe it was because the democrats exposed Roy Moore as a typical backwoods Alabamian where marrying your cousin and girls getting married at 16 years old was a normal thing in Alabama back in the 70's and 80's. Now we'd consider it weird for a 35 year guy to ask parents if they could date their 15 year old daughters but we are talking about the deep south here and that type of stuff was normal back then. I think it highly likely that Franken was burned to be there is a struggle for power in Washington right now.

Roy Moore's political life is done for but the real question is what will Mr. Franken do, will he step down like the democrats having been calling for Roy Moore to do or will he ignore the calls and stay on in Washington?

I bet he will not step down and claim the photo was a joke gone wrong and that Republicans are exaggerating the claims made by this lady. Just watch him do a Kathy Griffin and blame everyone else for this photo.



Another orchestrated deepstate stitch-up backfires spectacularly!

Roy Moore will survive this and Franken will go down!

Good riddance to another hypocrite Democrat!

No Al Franken should not resign, he should be arrested . Not only for this groping but for all the crimes he committed . #LockThemAllUp

Agreed, I'm guessing this is just the tip of the iceberg for him and the democrats.

its all of them , especially unelected power structure that keeps us in constant state of war and misery . 8 steps to fight back

But whoopi Golberg says it isn't rape rape! So it is ok! lol

That's because she's a house nigger.

It probably was something meant to be funny- being blown out of proportion. Franken was a COMEDIAN after all. So the public knew exactly what they were voting for BEFORE he got to office. Plus I remember when Al Franken used to be a frequent commentator on AMY GOODMAN's- Democaracy Now Show- where he openly expressed his POLITICAL VIEWS of FLOODING THIS COUNTRY with IMMIGRANTS...... Comedian or Not- I could never vote for a grown adult man who put this image of himself out to the PUBLIC....

This is a Washington DC Congressman- Come On People- This Is Supposed to Be AMERICA - ONCE The Greatest Nation On Planet EARTH- & you send this to CONGRESS?????


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