Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs and attack could of been politically motivated.

in #politics7 years ago

Senior Adviser Doug Stafford said it is unclear when the Republican will return to work since he is in considerable pain and has difficulty getting around, including flying. Stafford said this type of injury is marked by severe pain that can last for weeks to months.

Stafford said Paul had three displaced fractures, which can lead to life-threatening injuries, as well as lung contusions. Paul and his wife, Kelley, "appreciate everyone's thoughts and well wishes and he will be back fighting for liberty in the Senate soon," Stafford said.

Damn this attack was no joke. Rand could of had a punctured lung and now he's won't be returning to Washington anytime soon. Which is bad timing given this Tax bill might be voted on soon and will probably by a very tight vote in the Senate. Makes me wonder if the Democrats paid his neighbor to attack him and put Rand out of action for a while.

Jim Skaggs, a member of the state Republican Party executive committee, lives in the neighborhood and has known both men for years. He said they disagreed politically, but was shocked to hear of the incident.

"They were as far left and right as you can be," Skaggs said. "We had heard of no friction whatsoever other than they just were difference of political opinion. Both of them walked their little dogs at about a mile and a half circle, a nice little dog trot. I'd see them out walking, maybe they might stop and speak with each other."

So this other neighbor seems to admits that Mr. Boucher far left nut job. Which makes me believe it's highly likely the attack was politically motivated especially since the neighbors were unaware of any on going feud between the two.



Very suspicious- I think it was Deep State Globalist/Satanists - behind it. I find it very spooky that Rand Paul's Own Neighbor who lived next door to him did this...

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