The problem of massive immigration.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The topic I am going to discuss is very sensitive for the general public and of which you can not talk openly unless you are in favor of the opinion spread by the media, otherwise even if your point of view is reasonable you will be rejected and considered "racist". Immigration is a complex issue, mostly misunderstood and also overly polarized. Currently the system of government and its institutions only admit and impose the point in favor of massive immigration and any opinion against is condemned to media lynching, silence and censorship.

In the natural world there are migrations of certain species outside their habit, so the wolves travel together in a herd, the birds migrate at certain times of the year and even the man in his beginnings was nomadic. To completely prohibit immigration as some groups want, it seems to me that it would not honor history or the natural behavior of the human species.

The human world is subject to the laws of nature, and although there are migrations of animals in the natural world, there are also invasions of species alien to the ecosystem. When an invasive species lodges in a certain ecosystem it begins to expand by this, there comes a time when it can not be sustained without causing an imbalance within the habitat and the extinction of the native species. The invading species lodges and gradually expands colonizing more and more the territory and then exterminating the native species, as an animal species introduced into a territory will eventually eat the food of the native species and subsequently a struggle will take place between both species for the domain of the area.

The same thing happens with mass immigration, that although the media shows a thousand benefits, reality is another and more raw. Racial disturbances, crime, trafficking in persons, unemployment and the extinction of the native species, its culture, its history and its form of society.

The idea of immigration is to welcome people who contribute something to the country, people who come to study, to work, to lead an honest life, to contribute knowledge (in art, in science) that contributes to the nation. However, when immigration ceases to be selective and becomes a massive phenomenon, social problems such as crime, unemployment and marginalization arise.

Those who defend massive and illegal immigration are generally a small financial and political elite that carries out its political and economic objectives regardless of the opinion of the people and the negative effects and repercussions that cause discomfort in society in general, for example of this the activist Barbará Specter who openly promotes supremacism, massive immigration and the destruction of cultural identity.

People apparently do not have the right to defend their culture, they have no right to dissent, only to obey and keep silent in front of massive immigration, which is a problem that not only affects the nations that receive immigrants, but also all those nations that are politically and economically pushed and encouraged from above to the mass exodus.

Accepting mass immigration is not a sign of progress if not of decay, I defend the idea of moderate immigration and of people who contribute something to the country regardless of race or religion, but I am opposed to the media circus:

Sweden is one of the richest countries, not only of Europe, but of the world. But the future prospects in the short and medium term are not good:

Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson has admitted Sweden has “major problems” as a result of the population growth brought on by mass immigration.

Politicians thought that immigrants would be easily assimilated, that they would adapt to a free and prosperous society such as European societies. The question is that years later, reality is quite another. Immigration, especially the Islamic one, not only does not cover the labor and educational expectations but, moreover, they live in large number of social aid and in ghettos in which the European police do not even dare to enter.

The European welfare system, funded increasingly by governments' debt in recent decades, is showing signs of an impending collapse. Slow economic growth, high youth unemployment and an aging population makes the European welfare model increasingly untenable.

The main European capitals are immersed in attacks and violent incidents on a continuous basis, the "no-go zones" are already common in Sweden for example, since these immigrants do not integrate, nor will they do so. Every day they talk about how bad they lived in their places of origin, but they want to convert the society that receives them into something similar to what was the country from which they supposedly escaped.

In Europe there are already more than 40 million Muslims, a large number of immigrants who prefer sharia to European Law and the defense of Human Rights. The problem has a difficult solution, since remigration could not be an effective solution in the short term.

Europe, itself reeling under a financial crisis, cannot provide housing, employment and social benefits to the thousands who each day land on European shores and cross over borders. German newspapers are full of countless reports of immigrants disappointed after arriving in Europe, almost always followed by a reporter's plea for urgent action to address the said grievance. These "disappointments" often turn into violent clashes. Police across Germany have their hands full just to keeping rival migrant gangs from turning on each other or on officials.

No one, however, especially the media, blames migrants for their own actions. The mainstream media in Germany apparently refuse to connect the dots, so as not to "feed into negative stereotypes." A columnist for Germany's Tageszeitung even wrote of an elaborate government conspiracy that drives immigrants to turn violent -- allegedly just to give them a bad name.

What to do then?

It can begin by repealing the Schengen agreements on free movement, and re-establishing controls at all borders, followed by the abolition of the right of asylum, which is nothing more than the massive gateway of false refugees (I personally know many cases in the that this right has been misused), as well as tougher penalties and persecution against entrepreneurs who employ illegal immigrants, and also penalize and imprison those who collaborate with illegal immigration. We must put an end to the light systems of granting nationality by restoring the right to blood as the only method for the automatic obtaining of nationality, and drastically reducing residence permits. But the most important thing is to put an end to the Welfare State, the subsidies and all the social and economic facilities that are so attractive for these immigrants and that often neither the native citizens possess.


An important topic sometimes people are your enemy and denying it won't make it go away.

@viera thanks for this post. Am so loving it. Great article! [Please can you follow me? I'll follow back in seconds .] ¶¶ Good morning

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