The financial theft to humanity: How the Banks and the State conspire to rob you.

in #politics7 years ago

Taxes have existed practically from the time men discovered they could extort, but there is no doubt that it is now that the methods of transferring wealth from the bottom to the top of the pyramid have been perfected.

At present we have various methods by which the systematic theft of people's wealth is carried out, such methods make the collection of taxes ridiculous, some of these methods are; the fiduciary money, the fractional reserve system, the quantitative easing, and the debt as an extortion mechanism, among many other more and less sophisticated methods that for reasons of practicality and ignorance I will not deal with on this occasion.

First of all, you must know that I am not an economist, I did not even finish the university career I started, however, I have always been curious about economic matters and political history, which has led me to carry out my own research with the help of of books and the Internet.

In antiquity, taxes and the booty of war was the way in which the State kept all its elaborate structure working, however, different political and social events, nested in the advances in terms of economic understanding, have been leading to the power organs to implement more sophisticated methods to expropriate wealth. These methods are not new, much less exclusive of our time, these methods have their origins in ancient civilizations such as Rome, Greece, Egypt, sometimes even much older, however, the compression of the economy at a much higher level detailed has allowed to diagnose economic phenomena of the past, and to be able to put them into practice again, with the aim of favoring certain interests.

Already in Rome you could appreciate the ravages that occur in society when they intend to control the economy in an authoritarian and centralized way:

All these internal and external disorders would result in a deep fall of the imperial economy, whose coffers were almost always empty since Septimius Severus increased military spending. If we add to this the sharp reduction in tax collection that took place as a result of the frequent riots and invasions, it can easily be intuited that one of the solutions that was proposed to tackle the problem was to devalue the currency. This economic policy caused that the new pieces, with a lower weight in precious metal, were those that were used almost exclusively for the realization of all kinds of economic transactions, while the old coins began to be saved, reaching the wealthiest classes , especially the senatorial aristocracy, to treasure large quantities of gold pieces. This meant that in a short time the poorer quality coins began to not be accepted and that, on the contrary, the most appreciated ones began to be scarce. Given the high demand of the latter, their value increased considerably, which also caused the increase in prices.

Inflation was tried to control by encouraging the use of divisional currency, by restricting the emissions of gold pieces and with measures to directly control prices, such as the Edictum pretiis, decreed by Diocletian in 301, which established the price maximum that had to be paid for each agricultural product or manufacturing, as well as for the labor employed, and decreed the death penalty for any citizen who failed to comply with this law. But during the reign of Constantine (306-337) this policy was abandoned, as it favored the use of a new gold coin, the solid, and this caused the users of fractional coins, ie the most disadvantaged classes , be impoverished even more. The reason was none other than the increase in prices paid with the lowest-value coins. The creation of the solid, stable currency, with defined value and minted in large quantities, allowed the recovery of the economy although, nevertheless, this had as a counterpart to open a gap between rich and poor even greater than it already existed. The coinage of divisional currency did not disappear, but Constantine abandoned the imperial policy that favored its use and did not make its course obligatory. Due to all this, these pieces were devalued considerably.

Brief History of Feudalism by Barriers David.

As we can see, in ancient Rome there were already economic problems like those we currently see in our societies, maybe we have a better terminology to express these economic characteristics, but it is also true that in ancient Rome they had much more sophisticated systems, because the characteristics of their economy were different, to such an extent that they handled a greater number of monetary units; since in the Roman Empire coins were minted with three different metals, bronze (as), silver (sestercio and denarius) and gold (aureus and solid), in turn the pieces made with each of these materials used to have different uses. Could we come up with a similar system with cryptocurrencies and use; Bitcoin, Steem, Dash, Ethereum or SmartCash, to perform different types of transactions?

The truth is that like taxes, the inflationary phenomenon is nothing new either, almost all the systems of theft, extortion, robbery and pillage are as old as life in society. However, at present, these systems continue to be carried out using mechanisms that make it possible to conceal their intentions.

Inflation has several forms of production, such as cost inflation, devaluation inflation or inflation due to an increase in the money supply.

Cost inflation: occurs when the price of production of goods and services increases, which inevitably results in a generalized increase in prices, this type of inflation is the most difficult to find, since it usually occurs when an economic phenomenon such as the shortage of oil allows that the demand for such an important resource for the economy exceeds the supply, which increases its price, and as a consequence it could increase the prices of the rest of the products and services.

Devaluation inflation: this type of inflation occurs when there is a demand for foreign currency higher than the supply available in the market, this economic phenomenon is seen when capital flight from one nation to another occurs, which usually happens in the developing countries.

Inflation due to an increase in the money supply: this type of inflation is the most common, and it is what we can find to a greater or lesser extent in all the nations of the world, since it occurs when there is a greater money supply than available wealth, it could be due that money is issued at a higher rate than the creation of goods and services, or because the total production of goods and services decreases. In the worst case, production can decrease, and the money supply increase, which would produce a rather complicated scenario, because there would be many more money for fewer and fewer products.

Why do I explain this?

Well, we must understand that wealth is not money in itself, wealth are products and services that can be used and consumed, because paper money, or numbers written in the bank account book, very little utility Real have for us. So, it is necessary to understand that wealth is generated by the work of people who have the help of industrialization. Companies generate material wealth, however, the State and the Banks do not, and although they do not generate wealth, they are the ones who take control of the economy, that is, those non-productive organisms have control and power over those organisms productive.

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.”

Ayn Rand

In this way, the State in collusion with the Banks, especially the centralized banks, such as the World Bank, the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund or the Federal Reserve, or the most powerful Bank for International Settlements, end up expropriating the wealth of people through inflation, money is essentially the right to demand products and services offered in an economy, that is, having 1000 Euros gives me a right over a fraction of the goods produced and services provided by the European economy, In the same way, 1000 dollars gives me a fraction of the United States economy, however, my fraction can be diluted if the State or the Banks so decide, I could keep the 1000 dollars, or the 1000 Euros, but the issuance of new monetary units advances at a higher rate than the production of the European economy or the United States, I could acquire less products and service s that before. Why? What did I do wrong? Nothing, inflation tries to prevent people from saving and enriching, maintaining wealth in those who can transfer inflation to the consumer, that is, the owners of companies, and who have their money in constant reinvestment, and not saved.

Social mobility, therefore, is extremely limited, since work stops generating wealth, and money becomes the only generator of wealth.

In order to carry out this system of systematic theft, it was necessary to fit several pieces of the puzzle, such as fiduciary money, the fractional reserve system, and the interest charge in the monetary issue.

Let's see this with an example:

When Mr. Mcfly deposits 1000 euros a European bank, this instead of keeping all the money stored, is responsible for lending most of the money (for example, the US banks can lend 90% and the European Union banks they can lend up to 99%). Then, the bank stores 1%, that is, 10 euros that it will not invest and will not lend. Suppose that at that time, the bank granted Mr. Brown a loan of 990 euros, to buy anything, he spent it buying a car, and then if the company that sold the car returns the money to a bank in the European Union , the bank that receives the money may consider this deposit as a new one in its entirety, regardless of whether its monetary base resides in the money originally deposited by Mr. Mcfly, in such a way that it can reserve 1% again, which would be 9.90 euros, and could lend 980.1 euros, and in this way, repeat the process over and over again. The amount of money to be lent is always lower than the previous one, while the total amount that remains in reserve increases each time the borrowed money is re-deposited.

All this will lead to that at a certain moment, the 1000 euros initially deposited by Mr. Mcfly are totally in the bank in the reserve mode, but thanks to that initial deposit, and the fractional reserve system can create a total mass, yes the system is repeated again and again, up to 99,000 euros totally new. Delivering a debt to everyone who crosses their path, and charging interest for the new capital created.

Will you wonder what problems this system brings?

Well, apart from the ethical and moral dilemma that implies lending something that you do not own, and that is not yours, the economic repercussion of this system is of abysmal proportions. Let's see, at the time that the bank puts into circulation 99,000 new euros, increases the money supply, which as we have seen, translates into an increase in inflation, so Mr. Mcfly, like any person who belongs to the European economy , it will be impoverished, since its fraction of the economy decreases, and it may acquire fewer products due to the increase in inflation. However, the problem does not end there, thanks to a process called Quantitative Easing, the banks take the money and invest it in government bonds, that is, buying debt from the rulers, something that has been the case for hundreds of years, and that has been perfected thanks to modern democracy, in this way, through inflation, the State expropriates most of the wealth produced by people, and banks benefit by charging interest, in addition to having taken from the crotch to the rulers, of course, since they depend on them to finance the state apparatus. From time to time and based on economic necessity, the European Central Bank in the case of Europe, and the Federal Reserve in the United States, authorize the issuance of new money to be able to cope with the money they have created based on this system. The process will continue repeating and the theft will continue to be maintained systematically, in this way, the banks ultimately decide which sectors of the economy will have the credit to continue carrying out their operations.

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution of the United States, indicates that it is the Congress that holds the power to coin money and regulate its value. In 1935, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress can not delegate its power to another group or body. However, the Federal Reserve continues to usurp this function.

This whole system is possible thanks to the fact that the gold standard has been abandoned, and a fiduciary money system has been adapted, which allows the infinite issuance of the currency because it is not backed by anything, in the same way, the Central Bank it is in charge of financing the State at its convenience, through the purchase of bonds and debt, a debt that the taxpayers will later pay, either through the old method of taxes or through inflation. In one way or another, the transfer of wealth takes place, from the bottom of the pyramid, to the top. Destroying the free market on the way, and forming gigantic financial and industrial monopolies.

Although this system had the possibility of ending in 1963, when JFK dictated the EO 11110, recovering for the government the authority to issue currency, with the objective of replacing the money issued by the Federal Reserve, however, we already know how its history ended . Later Lyndon Johnson left without effect the order dictated by Kennedy.

Despite the problem that arises as a result of extortion and the systematic theft of our wealth, and the control of the entire economy and politics by an international financial clique, I deeply believe that we can find ourselves at a turning point, as well as the Internet and new technologies increased the power of many large corporations, which have a lot of information about us, that manipulate information through silent censorship, while keeping their interests protected, it is also true that the Internet brought many ways to communicate freely with each other, to share ideas and to show some truths. In the same way that the Internet did at the time, I think that the Blockchain technology could give us something similar, it could give us the power to control our financial system freely, honestly and openly, benefiting society in an integral way, nonetheless , also represents a threat, because if technology is monopolized by a group of people, then, the existing system could be sharpened. Until when? I do not know, but what I'm sure of is that this system is completely unsustainable. We must remember that great civilizations, probably more advanced culturally and philosophically, have already fallen into the past, and we really know little or nothing about them, there are those who already talk about our modern society, like a society in decline.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a nice day...


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