Globalization is the ultimate form of Statism

in #politics7 years ago

We live in a world where the natural state of things is scarcity, and during history humans have been in charge of finding the best way to manage the natural resources present to obtain the greatest benefit.

Because nature is not communist, and resources are not scattered equally in every kilometer of the world, resources have been the subject of disputes between different nations for a long time.

At some point, wars were fought to obtain territories rich in resources, then, we evolved to a better form of international cooperation in which countries could import and export the resources that were necessary to satisfy their internal needs.

Cooperation has been the key among the different countries to avoid unnecessary wars that do not happen due to social but economic reasons. But this has always meant a problem for some; "Controllers".


Since the creation of the Communist Manifesto, Marxists have tried in every way to establish a great mechanism of control over the means of production, but in addition, socialists have been characterized by wanting to abolish private property leaving all resources, whether natural or artificial , in the hands of the state.

The socialists establish a strict price control on all products, assessing a nominal value (which according to them should be real) for each object. We all know that regulations and price controls end up failing, right? But... why?

The problem of price controls is that nature, as we said before, did not distribute all its resources equally throughout the world, leaving some areas poor in resources and others rich. Almost no state in the world is autarkic, that is, almost no country can support all its internal needs without having to resort to the purchase of foreign resources.

When the State regulates prices, it can do this with all national resources if it wishes, but there comes a time when it needs external resources, and it is there where it cannot regulate the price, so it is affected by the markets of the other nations.

Since the prices of the national market with the international one are outdated, all its price control system is obsolete, since the product that you need to import ends up damaging the price pre-established by the state for all other products.

The Marxists were aware of this problem from the first moment, for that reason they did not propose a national revolution but rather an international revolution, where states would be abolished. In this way the Big Brother could have an absolute control of prices in all products of the world, without outdating its economy.

The October Revolution that Lenin initiated in 1917 was not meant to be just a Russian Revolution, it was meant to be a World Revolution. The Marxists would take advantage of the precarious situations of war to launch an international crusade against the existing monarchies.

Leon Trotsky said that socialism could not succeed in a single country, according to him, the victory of socialism is possible only on the condition that it triumphs in some of the main countries of Europe (England, Russia, Germany), grouped in the United States of Europe, being otherwise totally impossible, a victorious revolution in Russia or in England is inconceivable without the revolution in Germany, and vice versa.

But this failure, the Socialists could not prevail in Germany during the November revolution, much less did it in other European countries. The Soviet Union was doomed to failure ever since, however, they had a second chance in the Second World War.

The importance of the Normandy landings is unquantifiable, since if the Western allies were not opened a new front, Europe was totally occupied by the Soviets, and their Socialist World Order could be imposed over the West.

However, socialism could not expand beyond Eastern Europe and its international revolution failed once again to finally end in the 90s.

The Globalism

Today, globalists can easily be described as neo-Marxists, since their pro-immigration, pro-statist, and anti-nationalist proposal is quite similar, if not the same, a proposal devised by Marx two hundred years ago.

The supra-state organizations seek to unify the different countries in a centralized state, where there is no sovereignty or national independence, the European Union is not very different from the one posed by Trotsky of the "United States of Europe".

All these organizations were created under the pretext of seeking cooperation between countries and avoiding wars, but they have done it poorly, because their true objective is the establishment of a central State.

The globalists are statist in the purest sense, and only seek to abolish nations and states, to let a greater and greater dominate them.

But this is only the beginning, with a centralized state and without borders, nothing will prevent the globalists from becoming the next Communists, because if power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and a supranational State, that can govern 100% of the earth's surface, it is certainly the most absolute power that exists.


Thanks for pointing me to this. What a brilliant overview of the history of elitists wanting to take over control of everything. I really enjoyed reading that. It makes me wanna know more. Cheers Vieira :)

Yes, globalization is indeed the ultimate form of Statism. It's been tried many times by different leaders and associations; the UN is just a rehashed modern example of the Amphictyonic League. These things don't turn out as planned in the long run.

Interestingly, all these organizations also have an unusual high amount of members and behind the scene supporters who share a common religion. You know, the only "race" on earth considered to be cool by being racist...
Must be a coincidence.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Dangers of Globalism

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