
Please tell me how you know who started the violence.who is to say I am protesting peacefully, get attacked and want to defend myself. Then get shot for being violent.

There is no way this would not be used in some way for bad. You are telling me you want either citizens to pass judgement like that on others who probably don't know what happened in the situation. Or worse, give the government the ability to shoot and kill.more people without reprocussion?

Would it turn things into the Wild Wild West? Possibly. During the Rodney King Riots in Los Angeles, in Korea Town the owners of the businesses got on the roofs of their businesses and showed their guns to the looters and it was enough to stop them.

In my opinion the answer to your question would be Yes when committing violence on another person .

I think you would need to know for sure what each situation was and always fire a warning shot first if possible and also if possible not shoot to kill.

I lived in a town in my high school days that had a full fledged race riot over the shooting of a black teen who had broke into business . I have experienced what a riot does to a community. Peaceful protests are one thing , riots are another.
A riot is an undeclared war on a community, firing warning shots at the enemy probably isn't a good idea when fighting a war.
Take care, and if a riot breaks out in your community let me know how those warning shots work out for you.

"Rioters Lives Matter"

Just don't shoot to kill. A foot shot would work. :-)

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