Instructions for overthrowing power

in #politics7 years ago

At first glance, the illegitimate and unworthy rule of an irremovable government not only gives the people the right to overthrow it, but it also makes the process fairly simple: 2 million people will just go out and the house of cards will fall apart, the power will be filled with new people, the kingdom of freedom and justice will come.

Following Pontius Pilate, I have to exclaim: "It will never come! Criminal! Criminal!

The culprit! "The fact is that the two millionth demonstration is the tip of the iceberg, the result of a profound process occurring as a tectonic shift invisible to the naked eye.

It can be seen only using the tool between the ears. The tectonic shift in political space always occurs as a result of the effect of complementarity. At first, the interests of political changes, each individually try their strength, unworthy power hinders them, nothing happens.

But each test of power creates fluctuations, hardly noticeable progress in the mainland called power. Their accumulation translates the system of power from an equilibrium, monumental and unbreakable state to a nonequilibrium state.

Then even a child's snot that fell on the portrait of the leader, works like a trigger and three columns - 5,6,7 begin to act simultaneously. They pursue each of their narrowly selfish goals, but the result is the fall of the regime.

The Fifth Column

The term "fifth column" was introduced by fascists in the last century to refer to those people who doubted the need to rob and kill. It meant a sharp opposition of one group of people for its subsequent destruction. Since almost 100 years have passed and social life has changed, the composition of the disagreements has become more diverse, there are still 6 and 7 columns.

Power in Russia was captured by primitive groups, the most brutal and cynical could be at the points of distribution of income from hydrocarbon rent, their approximately 160 thousand people. The rest are unlucky, they are content with small handouts from the state.

Thus a fairly stable system of reproducible inequitable inequalities and a vicious cycle of poverty emerged. In accordance with the game theory of "five pirates", the incompetence of primitive groups that failed to adhere to the state pose allows to get insolently enriched at the top of the authorities and not to worry about competition.

But! The problem is in the risks. If the head for 100 gold do not want to risk, then with a multiply increasing amount of interest begins to appear.

If at the stage of 1000 gold, 1 million gold, a profitable strategy for opposition primitive groups of Communists, Zhirinov, fairies and a rotten apple is selling their voters in favor of the current government, then at the stage of 1 trillion gold Alexei Navalny appears who prefers risk to take over everything .

His supporters, just like the above listed, unite in primitive communities, behave in accordance with the psychology of primitive groups: "who is not dreams, he is against us", "we are in the ring of enemies", Sobchak is perceived as clever and persecuted, and so on , read a lot of posts on primitive groups, written earlier.

Supporters of the fifth column have high incentives to seize power, and they organize mass actions, thanks to which, it is possible to overthrow the tyrant.

6 column

The most terrible threat of any irremovable, illegitimate government with an unworthy rule is the liberal public, which produces the ideas of conservative liberalism (see the post "How to break the vicious circle of poverty" and the cycle on economic articles). Any idea is very similar to a small seed, the political landscape at first rejects it, it does not take root, but time takes its toll.

Semechko gives weak, sick shoots, the plant grows stronger under the rays of the scorching sun, bends under the wind, it is hard to survive the frosty cold. But the tree roots, spreads leaves, forms the soil, new seeds scatter from it. And now the political landscape is changing.

In place of the lifeless Horde steppe, a fragrant garden, where people live comfortably, pleasantly and safely, is surrounded by fear, violence and cruelty. The survival strategy changes to a strategy of creation, the myth of the fortress in the ring of enemies disappears like a nightmare after Chauntecleer's cry. In this environment, there is no room for unworthy government, so the most terrible threat to the regime is the spread of the ideas of conservative liberalism. It was for this that Boris Nemtsov was killed.

And for the ability of the sixth column to combine 5 and 7 for the elimination of unworthy government. The strategy of the sixth column is the creation of a beneficial circle between political and economic interests for extrusion of power from all points of political space:

Dmitry Gudkov, organizing an opposition to the election of municipal deputies, has already revolutionized the political history of Russia. This strategy has already begun to bear fruit.

Hi Morder from Ilya Yashin: "The municipal deputies in Moscow have an important authority provided by law, once a year they hear a report on the work presented by the head of the administration, the director of" Zhilischnik "and the head of the district police department.It seems to be nothing special, independent deputies - officials are afraid of such reports as exam dancers, since independent deputies are not mice from United Russia who will resignedly resign any reply.

The real deputies seriously ask about the results of the work and can It is for this reason that the head of the Krasnoselsky district administration Natalia Mamonova resigned in December without waiting for a no-confidence vote, Tomorrow before our council of deputies Yakov Magerramov, the director of Zhilischnik, was due to make a report with the report.

Unsurprisingly - in his work we found numerous violations on the verge of crime, and following the results of tomorrow's meeting, almost certainly would reject the report, demanding from the prefecture of his dismissal. Tomorrow we called in the head of the police department Oleg Gurov. He will also be uncomfortable: there are enough questions on the work of the police in general, and on my detention in December, when a whole group of employees, instead of performing their direct duties, watched me for a few hours at the canteen.

Gurov clearly does not want to address the deputies with the report and sent me a strange letter today. He informs that he has a meeting with the population, where he will talk about the work of the police, and invites the deputies to take part in it.

Apparently, it assumes that we are ready to take these rhetorical exercises for the report. This will not work. Obliged by law to report to the deputies - be nice, come and report. Absence, of course, will lead to disciplinary measures, because this will be a direct violation of the law, as well as the job descriptions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the dry balance for three and a half months of work of new deputies in the Krasnoselsky district heads of heads and the government, and "Zhilischnika" have flown.

To the leadership of the local police, we are generally loyal. Noting the shortcomings in its work, while, nevertheless, we do not see the grounds for resignations. However, disregard for the law, our position can change very quickly. So I would not advise the ATS leadership to play with us in these games. "

7 column

In one of the articles I divided the siloviki into two groups: a few uses powers to convert power into property, which is always open to psychology of the primitive community.

He, in accordance with it, always carries out activities aimed at uniting the group through blood.For which the chief pushes the nearest henchmen for crimes (the seizure of the Crimea, the war in the Donbass, Syria, and so on), they received In the hour X, when the fifth and sixth columns go out to overthrow the regime, these people should, in the opinion of the leader, due to the fact that he is tied to them with common crimes, to crush the uprising and to organize a bloody slaughter.

The second group of siloviks finds themselves in an interesting situation: first, she persistently collected information about the crimes of the first group, dreaming of using materials to arrest the scoundrels who betrayed their homeland, so that all the time m siloviki from the second group could greatly advance through the ranks to the top.

Moreover, the first group of siloviki always launches a mechanism for trading imaginary threats to obtain more resources. And the more resources are received, the more imaginary threats become, and the schemes of cutting, rolling back and drifting degenerate and are easily inspected by the second group of siloviki, materials are being piled up.

The second factor is the effect of Milosevic and transport simultaneously, in the modern world they have become two sides of the same coin. Only here is the twist through her back and to get her wanting not. As soon as the satrap gives the command for the bloody suppression of a peaceful demonstration, tied up with the blood of innocent people, the first group of siloviki unleashes the column from chain 7 and this is the end.

The seventh column assesses the risks and instead of suppressing the discontent of the population in the blood, it seizes all unworthy power, which is facilitated by previously collected materials. The scheme described by me is an effect of additionality, it requires interaction between the 5, 6 and 7 columns. First they act separately, lose and multiply the number of victims of the regime. Then the common threat unites, the joint effort leads to a surge of effort and the country - the country is at the point of fracture (bifurcation).

Since fun starts at the point of bifurcation, both degradation and complication of social life are possible with subsequent economic growth, then the ruler that follows after Putin is more likely to become a political dead man. But about this next time ...

First photo of mine, the rest with Google.


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