The difference between having nuclear weapons and not having them for adversaries of the US.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

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When you have nuclear weapons and no natural resources then you will be a friend to many and they will do business with you.But if you don't own any nuclear weapons but you have natural resources then there is a slogan of regime change!
The Neo-Colonist West/USA/Zionist alliance killed Ghaddafi & Saddam because they were pioneers in the program of replacing the US$ with Gold Dinar for oil trade?
Donald Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to meet a North Korean leader on June 12, in an attempt to hash out an historic end to their almost 70-year conflict.

A deal with Kim Jong Un could mark the beginning of the end to a fraught history of American military involvement on the Korean Peninsula. What started as a U.S.-led attempt to stop the spread of communism became a frustrating struggle to keep the Kim regime from acquiring a nuclear weapon that could strike America.

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