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RE: Billionaires Love Libertarians

in #politics5 years ago

"They earned their Dollars fair and square..."

[citation needed]

You seem invested in framing the narrative around honest and ethical exchange, and I reckon that's something we all want. The problem is that's not all that's happening. Billionaires feature some of the vilest and most repugnant psychopaths the world has ever suffered. Muggers and rapists are horrible. Gaining $Bs involves doing far worse, and a quick glance at headlines proves this.

How many rapes has Dyncorp, or the CIA, or ISIS committed? How many muggings has the IRS, the SEC, or Wells Fargo committed? Here's a protip: the same oligarchs use all those organizations to effect identical aims via the different capabilities of those disparate organization. Billionaires.

Don't confuse that with folks that favor the Agora. Fair and honest trade, even delivering products whose production you parasitize fair and square to produce massive financial rewards, isn't productive of $B walled gardens of capital. Murder, rape, and robbery do, and that's not fair trade or unfettered competition.

Bezos, that paragon of savvy and hard work you extol, pays his employees so little they qualify for welfare. Agreeing to work for a can of beans a day isn't necessarily voluntary when the only other option is starving.

Consider corruption and mass murder, epitomized by events like 9/11 and the tens of thousands of children that have now been found in Syrian battlefields and villages stripped of their organs, as a very real aspect of the economy at present. This is not the result of liberty, or philosophy of any kind.

It's psychopaths willing to do anything it takes to get money. That's not a philosophy. It's a crime.


Agreed 100% @valued-customer. They did not earn their wealth fair and square; I'm not a libertarian ;-) Those who believe they support a philosophy that rewards the "strong" don't realize they in fact support a philosophy that rewards the "vicious", which is creating the psychopaths you describe so eloquently. For which I'm grateful :-)

Only people that don't have it will be the loudest to criticize.

Posted using Partiko Android

I wonder, do you refer to integrity, love and compassion, or filthy lucre? Just curious.

Well obviously filthy lucre.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah, well I am quite happy to trade all of that I may acquire for integrity, love, and compassion. Strangely, no one will sell those things.

Clearly, they are priceless.

And that my friend is why have nots will always shake their fists in the air tiring themselves out.

Posted using Partiko Android

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