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RE: Inhumanity, Eugenocide, and You.

in #politics5 years ago

In all species there are flaws replicating DNA, producing mutations, and this includes mutations that produce sexual dysfunctions, such as hermaphrodism and other reproductive errors that include homosexuality, which strongly resists heritability, and is therefore very rare in nature.

However, between 1990 and 2010 the incidence on homosexuality in America doubled. Given the extremity of the unlikelihood of inheriting the trait, that rise in homosexuality could only be due to endocrine disruption and powerful psychological manipulation. The extraordinary decrease in testosterone during that time has deranged many individuals biological behaviours and their phenotypic fitness.

Those that have caused this existential harm to those people also harm their families, and commit the most extreme crime against humanity, and those that encourage it aid and abet them. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of just law and sentenced to the most substantial penalties possible for the ongoing genocide they are executing. I believe they should be hanged.

Given the likely scenario sought by the filth that have betrayed their own species by committing these crimes against innocent babies, a deified royalty solely empowered to breed, and the hypersexual nature of our species, I reckon they'd prefer those wombs walking around on two legs, with the state relegated to merely enforcing their whims and deploying gangs of murderous thugs to do so.

If I'm right, they will use the state as did the Bolsheviks, to eliminate everyone they have no use for, and particularly those men that remain fertile and free. The degradation of our natural reproductive ability is nearly complete already. I don't think two more decades will be necessary to almost completely suppress natural breeding behaviour, and note the fever pitch of societal division that presages war today.

If there's going to be a revolution that prevents this genocide and alteration of humanity into a caste of drones incapable of reproduction, hypersexualized females used at will, and the deified breeding royalty that possesses all wealth and power, there isn't much time left for it to strike before those that could undertake it become the targets of pogroms and genocidal war.

Violence and war are unlikely to be successful in preventing that transition and restoration of normal environmental conditions that enable natural reproductive behaviour. A better goal would be means of sequestering endocrine disrupting chemicals, and functional treatment to restore normal testosterone levels, followed by continued development and dispersal of individual means of production enabling nominal security from gangs of thugs. This would obviate the entirety of the plan while putting the functioning of society least at risk.

While organized military action is entirely capable of utter genocide, and psychopaths that undertake to extinguish humanity more than willing to deploy that capability for the purpose, the military personnel that would be needed to carry out that genocide will be far less willing to do so if there is not active military hostilities being prosecuted.

Indeed, if they grasp the plan afoot they are being encouraged to enable, and that the prospective victims are guilty only of curing the pharmaceutically induced medical harm that has been committed against them, that revolution may well be unstoppable and carried out by the military personnel themselves. Banksters can't shoot the nukes themselves. They need the professional military to do that, and the best means of preventing the successful extinction of humanity is to enable the military to cure themselves and grasp who has done them the harm.

Do have a wonderful Christmas my friend!


We live in interesting times, it should be either
interesting and or terrifying to see how all the
things and stuff play out. Happy holidays VC!

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