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RE: Trump Tax Plan Looks Like Pile Of Hot Garbage - Another Giveaway To The 1%

in #politics7 years ago

Thanks for edumacating me about this incipient horror. I had essayed to avoid spending any more time learning why I had to revile it than absolutely necessary, and you have been instrumental in my meeting that goal.

Thank God for barter! Or have they figgered out how to tax that yet?

I do appreciate your attention, and post on this matter that you generally would avoid.



"Or have they figgered out how to tax that yet?"

Hah, they do tax barter, at the "fair market value gains" or using other vague terms.

However, the good news is their taxation strategy relies mostly on self-report.

In other words, most small-fry can kind of ignore it.

It's a bit like (not) reporting your sales tax savings from Amazon.

Hell, the IRS even tries to tax the goodwill of your company, if you'll let them.

"Intangible Property is property that has value but cannot be seen or touched. It includes things such as: goodwill, business books and records, a patent, a license..."

goodwill...couldn't believe this crap when you showed me in your taxes post

One of the easier taxes to "avoid", thankfully. Just anger your customers temporarily every December/April.

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