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RE: The Social Justice Movement is Its Own Worst Enemy

in #politics7 years ago

What a telling video! The utterly blank, deer in the headlights, look of those that had just waxed prosaic regarding socialism, when asked what it is, perfectly exemplifies the entire class of people that are best defined as sheeple. The question clearly delineates the mechanism by which those people fabricate their world view.

They do not personally consider issues, facts, or information, but rather social inclusion alone. They simply align their views with the promoted zeitgeist, and the factual basis for the issues isn't even relevant.

I have seen little published research (I haven't looked for it either. I assume TPTB are so dependent on this mechanism that public awareness of it is suppressed), but suspect up to 1/3 of the general population fits, more or less, into this category.

The other two categories aren't co-equal in number, with controllers (psychopaths) constituting ~1-3%, and 'normal' people (those capable of freedom), comprising the balance.

Accordingly, governance should be developed in order that these folks, and their masters, are allowed their desired inclusion in the productive herds, while the rest of us can go about the business of dealing with actual issues.

Neither psychopaths nor their willing prey are suited to such endeavor, due to their proclivity for social control.


There has been a lot of research done on conformity and obedience to authority, the most famous being the Milgram Experiment and the second most being The Standford Prison Experiment (which got a cinematic adaptation). The Asch Conformity Experiment is a famous one on group conformity.

Here's a short piece on the Milgram Experiment:

Asch Conformity Experiment:

And this classic gif:

Regarding suppression, well, I certainly have never heard the MSM actually advise people to form their own opinions or do their own research. Considering the MSM has become a mechanism of control in itself, that shouldn't be surprising. Thanks for the response!

Important experiments that everyone should know about.

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

LOL according the the Asch experiment, conformity was 37%. That's pretty close to 1/3, which was my working estimate of sheeple.

I much prefer Asch to the Milgram, or Stanford prison experiments, as there is far less psych trauma ;)

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