
Not sure what is happening is this video. What kind of march is this? Doesn't look like anyone is being violent, but they do sound like they've had enough. Is this your footage?

Not my footage, this is the reaction of the people after just another stabbing done by a migrant which the media of course labels as Nazi as the Germans protest against this.

The harder the media presses against something, the bigger the lie.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Anytime something major is happening locally that is not covered well by the media it is always better to learn more about it from the locals. The news is not likely to even reach our shores if our media doesn't want to cover the story.

lets see - saxon had to split from Germany. but i dont see this happening.

Saxons had to split from Germany? You mean after WW2 I guess.

I don't see civil war or a mass German-wide outrage soon either, but this here, certainly is a good start, the media can't hide this.

I get jumpy when people collectivize others under labels. Specific immigrants and native Germans are criminals. Blaming an entire group is dangerous.

If you are from Germany please look up the "Einzelfall Map".
It is a map full of crime done by immigrants and refugees backed up with news & police reports.

They happen every day.

If a majority of a group is criminal, then you hopefully don't belong to them. Because otherwise people might get the idea to ban you (example US travel bans).

Opening the borders and tollerating everything and being fair is exactly what immigrants in Germany abuse.

To them, we are just spineless idiots, which they won't say, but you can see it in their actions.

How does the crime rate among immigrants compare to the crime rate among natives"? Even if the former is higher, how does it demonstrate that there is some kind of collective guilt? And how does appeal to legality matter in any rational or moral argument?

First of all, I have to compliment you for being stoic and asking good questions.

So here it goes: If the majority of a group breaks the law on a regular basis and you are a part of that group, then that is just bad luck.

If they get banned altogether now then that is legally and morally wrong in my opinion because they didn't break the law in the first place (the minority). Close the borders, deport criminal immigrants & refugees would be the better option instead of banning all of them. If you open the borders of a nation you stop being a nation.

After that happened we will see how these people continue to behave, however, I wouldn't let new immigrants or refugees get here.

They don't fit into German society.

The safety of Germans is more important to me than what happens to immigrants / refugees.

Refugees here are not refugees anyway. They travel through 5 countries to get to Germany, got smartphones and accurate haircuts.

It comes down to priorities, and my priorities are definitely with Germans & Germany.

Does the majority in fact "break the law" on a regular basis?

When people do "break the law," are their crimes malum in se, e.g. murder, rape, theft, & assault, or are they merely malum prohibitum, lioe drug laws?

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