Trump Twitter Archive: Low Approval Ratings? The Answer is War
Now that (Trump's administration is under siege) - watch for him to launch strikes in (Syria) or Iran. He is desperate.
Glen Greenwald perfectly describes the situation created by launching strikes on Syria as the mainstream media does a complete 180 praising Trump after months of constant attacks against the US president.
In every type of government, nothing unites people behind the leader more quickly, reflexively or reliably than war. Donald Trump now sees how true that is, as the same establishment leaders in U.S. politics and media who have spent months denouncing him as a mentally unstable and inept authoritarian and unprecedented threat to democracy are standing and applauding him as he launches bombs at Syrian government targets.
Mr. president
You need a diversion from a sex scandal? Launch missiles at 'terrorists' in Sudan.
You're polling numbers are abysmal? Generate fear by increasing terror threats.
Trump launches ambitious new plan to Make America Great Again!