Talk about in denial or was this the plan all along

in #politics7 years ago

In response to Jeremy Corbyn Theresa May made a speech which began

"A free market economy operating under the right rules and regulations is the greatest agent of collective human progress ever created"

On the other hand the free market economy under the wrong conservative rules and regulations is the greatest agent of transferring wealth from the poor to the rich while dismantling the entire social infrastructure

The crisis in the NHS with it's shortage of nurses because they're underpaid and demoralised and working in hospitals where reports have been compiled of patients dying unneccassarily.

This same progress has heralded a crisis in Mental Health especially for the young who if they can get help end up hundreds of miles from their family .

then there's the progress in the form of a crisis in social care for those in their own homes as well as in Local Care homes and those bed blocking putting even more pressure on NHS. Freemarket Progress indeed

Then there's the crisis in Education where schools like the one I worked in couldn't afford to mend the roof so buckets lined the stairs and when it was mended it leaked again as soon as it rained. Rumours in the school put the cost of Moving one plasterboard wall, a repaint of the room, and a cheap carpet at £10,000 Thats Public private finance for you mixed with free market progress.
At the start of the school term according to head teacher PFI rent due was £800,000 before a book was even bought.

Conservative idea of progress is the housing crisis where there is little social housing and most people can't afford to buy or increasingly can't even afford to rent.
So this progress also means more homeless than ever only now now they call them rough sleepers so it doesn't sound so bad.

More tenants with rent arrears because universal credit means you might not get a penny for six weeks, This nightmare has been just for single people up until now and has led to some desperate souls committing suicide. Imagine what it will mean when they role it out accross the country, What happens when mum and dad and two kids don't get a penny for six weeks.

It's not all bad
This FREE Market economy has meant bank account's of the UKs 1000 richest income has risen 112%
This freemarket economy also means the banks can go to the moneymarket and when they lose they get handed our money to pay the debt.: too big to fail! Now all these years later the tax payer and the poor are still paying their debts while they get their bonuses.

And nobody goes to jail because George Osborne says so. He actually asked the Us not to prosecute for all the money laundering. If the Us could fine them why didn't we?

On the website below you can see what Barclays has been up to and how they aren't in court either.


Its time to take these banks down. Slowly but surely lets keep crypto moving forward

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