Political Correctness

in #politics6 years ago

We have all seen the world change in novel ways over the past few years. These changes have brought to the forefront discussion on many, many topics. In this post, I am going to address one - political correctness.

The debate over free speech inevitably turns to PC culture, its particulars, and its effect on society. However, it is impossible not to notice glaring oversights in all the coverage of this issue. 3 oversights to be exact.

Oversight # 1: There are 6 Types of Political Correctness, Not One

Commentators speak of political correctness as if it were this monolithic thing coming to destroy our way of life. The truth is, there are 6 distinct types of political correctness. Some of which are common sense good ideas, other which lead to less than desirable outcomes. Most people who get into everyday arguments around the kitchen table or water cooler inevitably speak past one another because they have a different type in mind.

The Irish Joke Type

This is the most obvious type of political correctness. Don’t tell dumb Irish jokes, or jokes about the physical appears of say a co-worker. This type makes everyone uncomfortable or makes the person serving as the butt of the joke feel bad. Why be a dick? It is not a violation of civil liberties to promote the idea of treating strangers / unfamiliar cultures with decency.

Folks dislike this type of political correctness because they feel they must “walk on eggshells”. Hey, guess what, we all have to walk on eggshells; it’s called tact. Get used to it because it is unproductive to live in a world based on human collaboration and cooperation without the skill of tact.

The Cheer Pressure Type

Brady Haran, co-host of the podcast “Hello Internet” coined the term. This type is when a crowd of supporters requires its members to actively cheer on the thing which they care about, not matter what. This often angers people as they feel indifference or tolerance is often enough.

Take for example a bit baby comedian Bill Burr. In this bit, Burr’s girlfriend at the time calls Burr homophobic because, out of instinct, he makes a face when accidentally sees two men making out at a restaurant. Burr believe this act alone does not warrant the label of homophobic.

This bit exemplifies many people’s attitude toward the progress item of the day. “Makes no difference to me, but I don’t have to shove my face in it.” This idea of a must do frustrates many people who just want to live their life. These people are not saying that women shouldn’t breastfeed in public, they just don’t want to throw confetti and sing a song every time they come across this scenario.

The Head In the Sand Type

This type is the exact opposite of cheer pressure. This type is when a blind eye is turned to the shortcomings or missteps of whatever you are in favor of. Saying that there are no issues with the prevalence of firearms on the streets, or that the students of Evergreen State College were justified, are both heads in the sand political correctness. Indulging in this only hurts your credibility and the credibility of what your support.

The Disparaging Criticism Type

In the same family as the Irish joke type of political correctness is the disparaging criticism type. Here is where we find most forms of racism addressed. It is politically incorrect to propagate a stereotype or racist opinion. Just like decency is defined by those being commented on, so too is racism defined by those being commented on. This type seeks to hold hate speech at bay because of the devastating effects this has on the cooperative nature of our society; which is a prerequisite to our thriving. This is perhaps the true heart of political correctness. When a liberal-minded person is criticizing the language pattern of another, this is often the type of political correctness they have in mind.

The Criticize White Guys, but No One Else Type

When a conservative minded person is criticizing political correctness, this is often the type they have in mind.

As a caucasian male, it is difficult to discuss this type, but I were to avoid it I would then be guilty of the head in the sand type of political correctness addressed earlier.

This is the type that gives the most fodder to conservative commentators. For some reason, there are those who, in one moment, say it is wrong to disparage or judge an entire group with a blanket statement. In the next moment, this same person will tear into white men - painting each one with the same broad brush. The ethics of political correctness are universal, meaning it is inappropriate to apply them to some but not others. If it is wrong to criticize based on stereotypes, then it’s wrong; even if who you are criticizing is a bunch of white guys.

The Naked Statue Type

Our final type, the naked statue type. Perhaps a better name for this type would be “censorship”, but when the conversation turns to this type, I can’t help but remember 10th Grade.

I was in a history class with one of my favorite high school teachers. He was the only person ever to engage my mind with the subject of history. One day he was running through his slide deck as he did most days - the topic was the renaissance. We were flipping through images of famous statues of the time, and then suddenly we saw a black bar atop a fuzzy distorted image of Michelangelo’s David. Our teacher explained to us that a few years back one of the parents had complained that their child had been exposed to male nudity and it must be removed from the lesson.

That was a powerful moment. I remember feeling such furry at the censorship. It is this type where christians and conservatives feel the most home.

Oversight # 2: Conservatism is Hypocritical

The naked statue type was the last in that list because it goes to show the hypocrisy of the conservative worldview. This hypocrisy is absent from the conversations around political correctness.

It is impossible to find the logic of a worldview which says that naked statues and curse words are obscene and must be modulated, but bigotry and racism are matters of free speech which should never require 2 seconds of forethought being expressed.

Oversight # 3: The Real Threat to Our Society

It has been said by commentators that political correctness is the greatest threat to the American society. It is so bizarre that this is never met with a “Really?!”. It seems plain that tact in a world built on cooperation and collaboration is a virtuous and important skill to cultivate.

Global warming is the clear and present danger facing our society. Engaging in conversations about the efficacy of political correctness is fine, but saying it is a danger to our society if hyperbole of a mind-numbing order.


In the end, it’s really simple. Don’t be a dick. Now let’s all get along.

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