Saddam Hussein Reveals How Assad Protected Israel & Betrayed The Palestinian Cause

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

"While most of the Alt Media has shapeshifted into a group of cheerleaders for Assad & Putin.Most of them seem to forget the fact that Putin and Assad are both politicians who have blood on their hands.Asma Assad(the wife of Bashar Al Assad) was a Rothschild Agent working for Deustche Bank.Assad also laughed when Gadaffi warned the rest of Arab Leaders about potentially being brutally murdered by the terrorist government of the U.S.
The fact that Russia(just like the U.S & Israel) has made billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia(the nation who funds Radical Islamists fighting in Syria) seems to also not bother anyone.The fact that the Assad regime used to suck up to the U.S and the fact that the Syrian government under the Assad family did very little to help the Palestinians throughout the decades aside from giving them refugee status in Syria.The biggest victims of these Zionists wars are the people of Syria who have been smeared as "terrorists" by Bush-Era Neocons & by MOSSAD agents when in fact these Syrians simply want a safe place to live in temporarily and are indirectly forced to migrate to other nations being used as geopolitical instruments by special interest groups such as the Globalist Trilateral Commission(which is infested by creepy Zionists such as Peter Sutherland and Henry Kissinger) .Any Syrian who voices legitimate grievances against both the Syrian & U.S government can easily be labelled as a "terrorist" by both regimes and be eliminated while most of the world cheers the death of said Syrian believing that the person was eliminated because he/she was a terrorist which was exactly the case in the Iraq War where tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi men,women and children were labelled as terrorists and were brutally murdered by the terrorist army of the U.S while most of the world cheered on the U.S as the corporate media spread malicious propaganda against Muslims trying to paint all muslims as "terrorists" the same thing which the Psuedo-Alternative Media(aka the so-called Skeptic Community) has been doing for the past few years"~TSR Editor

Bashar Al Assad had the opportunity to end the Zionist Occupation of Palestine permanently yet for no justifiable reason he simply ordered a retreat which has allowed the modern day repulsive Zionist Entity to commit despicable atrocities not only against the Palestinians but against the Syrians as well.

If only Bashar Al Assad could learn from his mistakes and tried to stop Israel from taking over Syria's water supply instead of sucking up to the Russian government(who are deeply in bed with Nethanyahu) then we would be living in a slightly more pleasant world.

Pan-Arab Nationalism is the real threat to Israel's hegemony in the Middle East and Saddam Hussein,Muammar Gaddafi and Ahmadinejad were all instrumental in retaining and spreading Pan-Arab Nationalism.
With the 3 of them gone from the world of politics,Israel has been having a far easier time driving the 8 remaining nations(Saudi Araba,Qatar,Turkey,Pakistan,Kuwait,Syria,Bahrain & Iran) who could pose a threat to Israel, to fight each other in a pointless Shia vs Sunni dialectic.

Video Source:sanskrit011


Asma Al Assad Used To Work For Deutsche Bank & JP Morgan:

Bashar Al Assad Laughs At The Warnings Of The Murdered Libyan Leader Gadaffi:

Russia Makes Billion Dollar Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia:


this is really interesting but it wont show up on the trending section of steemit nor your nightly news...

That is because it goes against the controlled Alt Media narrative.

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