Ron Paul Admits He Is A Zionist & Praises The Ideology of Zionism

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Since a lot of people in the Alt Media have started perpetuating this narrative that Ron Paul was a 10000x better than the Zionist warmongers who control the U.S government, it might be wise to ask ourselves whether Ron Paul is really that different from the 99% of congressmen in the U.S who support the illegitimate Rothschild Owned Tel Aviv regime calling itself the "State of Israel" who not only aims to enthically cleanse the Palestinian population but it is also the largest sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East(Israel being instrumental in the creation of ISIS,giving medical aid to Al Qaeda fighters in Syria and has been actively trying to help the Albanian Terrorist "MEK" to overthrow the Iranian government, the MOSSAD training and arming leaders of Anti White Terrorist Groups in South Africa while the IDF trains/arms their victims i.e the White South African farmers)

Ron Paul has always been afraid to call out Israel as the culprit behind the instability and wars in the Middle East.

Ron Paul has never once directly called out/criticized Israel's actions against the Palestinians.

Ron Paul has many Freemasonic connections and was one of the main reasons why InfoWars(aka Infowhores)was popularized in the first place.

Ron Paul is a vocal advocate of Austrian Economics and has praised Austrian Economist Ludvig Von Mises on various occassions but what he(and the rest of the Pseudo Libertarians) would almost never tell you is the fact that Ludvig Von Mises was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation for some time.Supporters of Mises would claim that Rockefeller Foundation stopped financing Mises at a certain point and that Mises was playing 999th dimensional chess against the Rockefellers(You know the same way Trump is playing 9th dimensional chess against the Deep State basically the same Zionist apologist drivel) while not providing any sources for their claims.Anyone can go to the official site of the Mises Institute and find a lot of articles where they try to portray the Rockefellers in a good light and they even wrote an article about how John D.Rockefeller was "wrongly demonized".

While Ron Paul makes himself appear as a man who is against military intervention and is supposedly against the biggest fraud in human history known as the U.S Federal Reserve system,Ron Paul has never once called out Jacob Rothschild and his cronies aka the men who actually control.the Federal Reserve system.but instead like most of the so-called "Alt Media"have started to vaguely describe them as"the Deep State" or "corporate interests" and has effectively replaced the word "Zionist" with "Globalist".

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Great post - sorry I saw it too late to upvote - if you reply to this comment I'll upvote your comment instead. Keep on exposing the zionist overlords.

It's surprising to see how many people in the Alt Media would think Ron Paul is somehow entirely different from Bernie,Clinton,Obama,Bush and Trump despite the fact that all of them especially Ron Paul support Israel(aka the Real Deep State)

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