Italian "Populist" Matteo Salvini Admits He Is A Rothschild Zionist

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

"The corporate media is essential when it comes to the popularization of pseudo-populists by pretending to be against said pseudo populist while pretending to favor his/her opponents.Rothschild Zionist agents pretending to be populists to control,subvert or infiltrate genuine Anti-E.U movements should not be surprising.Jacob Rothschild and Benjamin Nethanyahu have (in a figurative sense )castrated most politicians around the world through blackmail via Israel's dominance in the high tech industry throughout the globe through Israeli Intelligence Operations such as Operation Talpiot and BlackCube.
The demonization of Islam and muslims through false flag operations dating back to the days of the Lavon Affair(Operation Susannah where Israeli Intelligence operatives attack civillain places such as libraries and cinemas and try to frame the Muslim Brotherhood for the attacks)to the Joshua Ryne Goldberg incident(Jihadist who was exposed as an Australian Zionist Jew working for the MOSSAD) to the Adam Pearlman Incident to 9/11 are only a fraction of the examples that could be given as various intelligence agencies have conducted similar operations to foster a horde of politically uninformed useful idiots who will hate muslims/immigrants while viewing George Soros as the only Globalist in the world and at the same time believing that voting for a Zionist puppet(who pretends to be against the Zionist E.U/Zionist funded feminists) would somehow bring an end to the Kalergi Plan and "save Western Civilization" and ultimately lead to the unlikely collapse of the E.U.Most of these people are unaware of the Greater Israel Project/Oded Yinon Plan and are being misled into hating the muslim world(because of Disinfo Agents in the "Alt Media") who remains to be one of the last regions with most of it's citizens being vehemently against the New International Economic World Order being constructed by the Zionist Rothschild Banking Dynasty,the Freemasonic House Of Pallavacini,Rosicrucians and the Jesuit House Of Torlonia.This New International Economic World Order envisioned by them is a cashless world with no borders and a world where there is total/complete surveillance of every human being on the planet and a world where all religions would be demonized by the media subsequently people would become increasingly secular to fit their economic needs and most people would be led to view belief in religion/God as a mental disorder which could only be cured by Big Pharma.If this is the future you want yourself and your grandchildren to experience then by all means continue voting for "populists" who support Israel (aka controlled opposition) who pretend to care about you and your nation's sovereignty"~TSR Editor

The new government of Italy is set be sworn in on 1st June 2018 and most of the Right Wing in the country is ecstatic at the thought of a populist regime rising to power.This regime was brought into power through Anti E.U rhetoric but since Matteo Salvini would become Interior Minister of this regime, it would be wise of us to examine his real allegiances as to whether his allegiance is to the people of Italy or his allegiance is to a foreign government namely the Israeli government.

In the video Matteo Salvini says "Sono Amico e Fratello Di Israele" which means "I am a friend and brother of Israel".

Salvini is a Neocon who supports the Zionist Occupiers who have illegally occupied Palestine and he supports Israel which is not only the country that has been the instigator/geopolitical hand behind most of the wars in the Middle East (especially the Iraq War a war which the U.S/Israel killed over 1.5 million innocent men,women and children) but also the perpetrator behind the imprisonment,torture and murder of Palestinian children in Gaza.

Support for Israel equates to supporting the illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East and supporting Israel's financing of terrorism in various Arab Nations.

Support for Israel means support for Globalism and mass immigration.

Matteo Salvini supports Israel
Matteo Salvini=Globalist

Video Source:anglotedesco

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