"Holocaust Experts" Want To "Help Facebook Combat Holocaust Denial"

in #politics6 years ago


"The criminalization of Holocaust Denial is an attack on free speech and will only serve to foster radical reactionary movements against the Jewish community which Nethanyahu and his Likudnic neocons want as it will drive the educated European Jews with engineering degrees to flee to Israel as they would want to flee the hostile environment fostered against Jews in Europe"~TSR Editor

Holocaust "experts" tend to be seen by many as geopolitical instruments of Israel to silence all forms of criticism towards the official narrative of the Holocaust perpetuated by the corporate Media so it should not be surprising that these people would want to "help" Facebook combat Holocaust denial.

As if it was not enough for the Israeli Intelligence Agency the MOSSAD(aka the "Institute") to use Facebook as a recruiting tool, now we have Israeli Backed Social Media Startups posing as "Alternatives" to lure independent journalists and those who were silenced by the Establishment to unknowingly support the very thing they are against.





The sheeple never wake up to the old holohaox do they?

The constant infusion of paranoia into the Israeli populace through constant reminders of the "Holocaust" and the indirect funding of Hamas by people within the Israeli government such as Olmert and the slow corruption of Fatah by the Israeli MOSSAD is necessary for neocons in the Likud Party such as Benjamin Netanyahu and Nafatali Bennett to stay in power.
At a very young age, youngsters in Israel are brought to supposed Nazi concentration camps in Germany and constantly reminded of the "evils" that the Non-Jews are capable of committing against them.

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