BREAKING! Saudi Prince Purge Almost Half Of Saudi Government To Signal Beginning Of A New World Order!

in #politics7 years ago

The Globalist Saudi Prince Bin Salman wants more power and less competitors hence he has formed a committee to arrest countless ministers and princes which pose a threat to the legitimacy of his regime.

The Wahabi Salafists are now dancing to the tune of their Zionist puppetmasters while their Zionist puppetmasters are busy preparing for the imminent crash of the U.S dollar.

This guy would be the one of the future scapegoats for Israel to conveniently use to distract the world from all the war crimes committed by apartheid State of Israel.

The funding of terrorists by the House Of Saud, hackers and Anarchist/Libertarians who advocates for cryptocurrencies would be the new boogeymen of the next few years which various governments would use to take more rights away from the masses.
When in fact, the House of Saud is merely a front for the Zionist Establishment and the CIA is usually the one behind most major hacks.Most people associate Anarchists with the violent far-left organization known as AntiFa and most people would view Ancaps as nothing more than men/women who worship corporations when in fact, they advocate for decentralization of everything including the monetary system.

The Saudi Prince wants no obstacles in the way of the United Nation's Agenda 2030 and U.N Agenda 21.


This Saudi Prince is currently seen as a necessary pawn by the Central Bankers hence he will be receiving more than enough money from the West to purge as many of his enemies as he wants but it comes with a price and that would be the fact that his expiration date as a puppet would eventually come and he would be replaced by the West the same way the U.S got rid of Saddam Hussain which ended up with over a million dead Iraqis being killed by the U.S.When the time comes for the U.S to dispose of him, he will not be the only one to suffer as the people of his country are more than likely to be massacred by the U.S.


Saudi Crown Prince Arrests Princes,Ministers and more:

Saudi Arabia & U.N Agenda 2030:

Dark Agenda Behind U.N Agenda 2030 And "Sustainable Development":

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