BREAKING! Lebanese Prime Minister Resigns During Trip To Saudi Arabia!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Saad Al Hariri, like any politician who "coincidentally" was also born in Saudi Arabia (has also been spreading lies against the Syrian government and constantly fearmongers about a potential Syrian invasion of Lebanon) he has covertly been a longtime cuck of the Anglo Zionist establishment and he has also been a shill for the House of Saud and the Rothschild Banking Dynasty.Ironically, unlike other countries where the shadow government/real powers behind the government are globalist elements within the U.S government,Lebanon is a completely different case,Hezbollah is the one with real power regardless of which puppet the U.S government installs as the "Prime Minister" of Lebanon.

This act merely adds to the vast amount of evidence that investigative journalists in Lebanon has discovered pointing to Saad being a puppet of the West.

That is not to say that the Hezbollah movement is filled with angels who can't do no wrong since there is still a privately owned Central Bank controlled by the Rothschild Banking Dynasty in Lebanon and the fact that Hezbollah has done nothing against the Banksters should remind us to retain our critical thinking and question whether Hezbollah is truly part of the Counter-Narrative against the globalists or whether there might be more to the motivations of the leaders of Hezbollah that we are not aware of.


Lebanese PM Resigns:

His Resignation Could Be Connected To The Saudi Royal Family:

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