in #politics6 years ago (edited)


"ISIS(Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) has been attempting to topple the Assad regime but have consistently failed so they tried to parasitically attach themselves to Sunni militias in Syria to create a coalition against the Syrian Army and was on the verge of achieving that aim till the Iranians got involved and as a result,most of ISIS and portions of the terrorist army of the U.S have been wiped off the map of Syria.These events have significantly angered Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Nethanyahu since even the Russian Jewish Mafia(the clique who controls Putin and the clique who are in bed with the City Of London(Rothschild)) seem to care more about war profiteering through making arms deals with Saudi Arabia & supplying defense systems to the Syrian government while pretending to be a friend of Iran than to directly help Israel topple the Assad regime,it would seem that the list of things that would anger the neocons of the Likud party would only get longer as the day goes by.With the conflict in Syria constantly causing tensions between world powers, it would seem that the war in Syria is far from over."~TSR Editor

Bashar Al Assad and his Iranian Proxies after being backstabbed by the Russians, have now been stranded while the mainstream media is obsessed with Trump, the so called "alternative media" seems to only care about Bilderberg 2018 while almost completely ignoring the situation in Syria and almost no one in the Alt Media with the exception of a few reported Russia's betrayal of the Syrian government by refusing to give urgently needed defense systems to the Syrian government.

Vladmir Putin,Chabad Lubavitch,the Zionist Lobby & Jacob Rothschild seems to be the winner of the Syrian Proxy War with both Assad(having to spend the next few decades rebuilding his country),John McCain(his legacy being destroyed with most of the public in the U.S being fully aware of his role in creating ISIS while his case of Brain Cancer & intestinal infection worsens) and Nethanyahu(having a high chance of him being indicted by Israeli law enforcement for corruption & the target of most people's wrath for his role in the Talpiot programme and he is seen as a war criminal around the world for his administration's genocidal policy towards the Palestinians and he is about to replaced with a far more psychopathic lunatic known as Naftali Bennett) being the disposable losers of the whole conflict.

Rouhani and Javad Zariff can now enjoy their Swiss Bank accounts while the real Iranian opposition against the Zionist State continues to be imprisoned(and possibly tortured) namely the Ahmadinejad faction who were unjustly arrested by the Iranian government while the Iranian Central Bank(one of the few remaining Central Banks in the world which is not controlled by the Rothschild Banking Dynasty & the House Of Torlonia) continues to be infiltrated, pressured and even labelled as a financier of terrorism by one of the largest sponsors of terrorism on the planet,the United States of America.

Trump would (intentionally/unintentionally) continue to be part of the largest Psy Op in 21st Century with Steve Pieczenik & Israeli Military Intelligence using the tactics of the renowned Vladislav Surkov to distort and corrupt the public's perception of what they know about politics through numerous firms similar to the infamous Cambridge Analytica.


Israeli PM Threatens Syrian President:

Israel Helping Al Qaeda In Syria:

Putin & Chabad Lubavitch(Russian Jewish Mafia):

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