Babylon Refugee: My Life and Spiritual Journey From Disillusioned Runaway to Political Activist. Intro

in #politics7 years ago

Though I wish to remain anonymous until publication I have lived what most would consider an abnormal life and those who have heard my stories and experiences have always encouraged me to write and record the things I have gone through and the places I have been. I always responded with the same answer. But how would it end? The current charged political climate in America has finally brought about the circumstances for a proper climax to my tale.

From my middle class American upbringing to wondering gypsy to full time political activist to now being a small business owner I have had experiences from the full spectrum of the American life. From dumpster diving to survive, living in the woods, Hippie festivals, UFO cults to getting maced and beaten at peaceful demonstrations I've been places and seen things most people don't know exist. My ex girlfriend referred to me as the guy who knows everything about those things no body knows exist. A fitting title to say the least.

I'm sharing this because I have a unique perspective on life and like most conscious beings I want to express that uniqueness and hopefully make a mark on this world once I leave it. The consistent evolution of my mind through these experiences has left me feeling alienated with in the very culture I was raised. Like an outsider in my own kingdom. While I prefer solitude and a peaceful life these days I am inevitably always inspired to emote and express and writing does just that for me.

I chose Steemit as the platform for this expression since it to is unique and groundbreaking. Also this political state our country is in at this time is so volatile I no longer feel its safe for me or my family to openly express my mind though in a Rainman kind of way I feel compelled to. I've definitely made mistakes and bad decisions at times in my life at times and with practices like doxxing and nefarious characters from my past who wish me ill anonymity is what I'm most comfortable with at this time.

Besides these Babylon Refugee posts which will be a sort of online journal of actual experiences I will be posting videos I make, short stories, fiction and some political and historical content as well.

Media is my passion and conveniently what my degree is in though its been more of a hobby than a career. I hope you find insight, inspiration, knowledge, wisdom or just entertainment from this page. Either way I'm glad you came and hope you enjoy my submissions.


The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.

- Albert Einstein

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